International Yahting YouTube [ITA] PERSHING 9X – Prova Esclusiva Performance Yacht – The Boat Show De THE BOAT SHOW in nov. 01, 2017 Vizualizari: 120 ABONAȚI-VĂ LA CANALUL NOSTRU source 5000 cai puterebărciGrupul Ferrettiiahtiaht pershingiahturi pershingLuxosmaurizio bulleripershingPERSHING 9XPershing 9x boat showpershing 9x internpershing 9x provapershing boat showpershing the boat showpershing videopershing video 9xpershing xrevizuire a iahtului pershingshow-ul nautic sky sportspectacol de barcaspectacolul de barcasuper iahtsuperyachttest exclusivtest pershingtest pershing 9xthe boat show itvideo iaht pershingyachtingyachting clubyachting club tarnitayachting club vellayachting romaniayachting sailor