ACEST A MERITA TOT (Navigarea în Insulele Virgine SUA) 109

ACEST A MERITA TOT (Navigarea în Insulele Virgine SUA) 109

Recent, am fost blocați în St. Martin din cauza pandemiei. Știam că, dacă plecăm, nu ne va fi permis să intrăm înapoi, dar am decis că navigarea către Insulele Virgine americane ne-ar permite puțin mai multă libertate. Am ezitat dacă plecarea a fost o alegere bună. Dar după ultimele două zile aici, trebuie să spunem că toate acestea au meritat din plin! Multumesc pentru vizionare!! Acest canal este alimentat de vizionări ca tine! Dacă vă place producția noastră și doriți să ne ajutați să creăm și mai mult conținut, vă rugăm să luați în considerare să deveniți un patron: CLICK pentru a vă ABONA, astfel încât să nu pierdeți niciun videoclip com/c/sailingsaoirse #sailingtheUSVI #swimmingwithdolphins #USVIdiving mare dragoste, frumusețe, țuică și câinele nostru sărat, oona ____________________________________________________________________ Suntem veșnic recunoscători că avem susținători uimitoare! Vă place ceea ce vedeți și doriți să prezentați următorul nostru videoclip 🎥 încărcați: Vrei și mai mult? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru ⛵️: ________________________________________________________________________ Ne-ați văzut tricourile 👕?! Toate veniturile obținute din aceste cămăși sunt direcționate pentru a ajuta la recuperarea după repararea lui Saoirse! Ceea ce poate dura ceva timp. Luați-vă 👕 AICI: _________________________________________ Pentru mai multe actualizări de călătorie 📸 INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: ___________________________________________ Vrei să ne sprijini fără să te coste nimic? În calitate de Asociați Amazon, câștigăm din achiziții eligibile. echipamentul nostru pentru cameră*: camera principală: go pro camera: camera de rezervă: configurație solară*: controler: https: // panouri: ____________________________________ muzică cu licență de sunet epidemic: _____________________________________ *Acest canal este un participant la Programul de afiliere Amazon. Ajutați-ne să câștigăm puțin fără niciun cost pentru dvs., doar faceți clic pe unul dintre linkurile noastre Amazon înainte de a verifica.


49 thoughts on “ACEST A MERITA TOT (Navigarea în Insulele Virgine SUA) 109

  1. Ya Ya….Shorten your scope so short that you lift the mooring ball just out of the water…I,E, Strait down from your bow roller and just dry from the sea…..Yes!!!…..G.T.

  2. I loved this episode so much! Thanks guys. I know you've gotten plenty of tips about the mooring balls but my two cents is to pick the ball up on the deck if you can and tie to the line so nothing can bang against the hull, but you'll figure out what works for you on your boat. Keep up the great content my friends!

  3. Now there's that footage I was asking about. What a beautiful sea creature. The Dolphins were nice too! HA HA! PEACE OUT! Ü

  4. Ilove the way you two are so chilled. Ive seen other channels where tension seems to rear its ugly head. You two are a great team. Oh and the steering while holding doggie was awesome. Cheers from Australia.

  5. I never trust moorings even new ones. I like to dive on them and run a line through the mooring block and back up to the vessel, tie both strands off to a bow mooring cleat so that it can be loosened easily and retrieved. More than one boat has gone ashore through a mooring failure. Usually it is the polypropylene rope that fails–abrasion or shark nibble the usual cause.

  6. Hi
    Hang a strong bucket off the stern so the current pulls you off the mooring ball,. If the wind is too strong might not work …. Warren

  7. Another super video Guys and what an ending … What does it matter if you have your swimming costume on or not who's there to see and if they did what have you got that's different from anyone else ? (did you ever hear of pixelating ?) not that I'd complain ! But that's a whole other argument !! I missed your live vlog last Sunday (Huge regret) You'll have a blast with Billy and Sierra, Enjoy, Stay Safe & Fair Winds !!

  8. Another excellent video ! Being trapped inside due to the virus your videos are a very welcome relief. Please stay safe but keep the videos coming.

  9. Mooring ball against the hull I've seen happen when the current opposes the wind. Sometimes just locking the rudder to one side will do the trick. Sometimes it won't. You can pull the ball in so tight that it is raised out of the water which might help, or extent the lines which might cause a tangle but where you are it's just another excuse for a swim. 🙂

  10. Here's the cure for the boat sitting on top of the mooring, driving you nuts with the constant banging…. don't use moorings where the current will switch against the breeze. Use those just for lunch stops or snorkel stops, then go further into Francis Bay or along the W St John coast north of Cruz bay for overnight. Go get all your shopping done in Charlotte Amalie and then head back to Magens, always peaceful and calm unless a north swell is coming down with a cold front.

  11. You answered a question that has been unanswered for a long time. Can you swim with the dolphins? Brandy answered that question. An electric underwater scooter would be perfect.

  12. …for what it's worth – My opinion only – I would rather hear the actual sounds of the scene (swimming with the dolphins)… The "music" you chose to go along with that scene was extremely distracting, bordering on annoying… Just my thoughts – as a production music composer… Would have much rather heard the natural sounds going on at the time… otherwise – great time!

  13. Love your underwater video. So relaxing and very well done. Beau you best be careful or Brandy is going to swim off with the dolphins lol. Thank you guys for the wonderful evening video. Take care and stay well.

  14. Haha those baby Dolphins were really checking Brandy out .
    Do you have any plans to get an electric Capstan Beau.
    I realize you many lose some views because there are some who enjoy
    watching you strain at that anchor chain. Personally I would prefer to
    press a button to raise the hook.

  15. Swimming with dolphins is probably my all time favorite sailing experience! So happy you were able to catch it on film 🐬 And that was a good first go at mooring! Just takes practice. And never hurts to have a buddy boat nearby 😉 Miss you guys and hope to see you out there again before too much longer! 🤞🏼💙💙💙

  16. We just found your videos and have been watching them nonstop ever since. We have a 40 year old Pearson 35 that we have sailed to the Bahamas and Cuba with but we have autopilot, a dodger and cockpit cushions to make the journey more comfortable. Love your solar panels to help keep the batteries charged.

  17. Awesome ! Oh Man! That would have been hella cool! To swim with the dolphins. I love your channel. Some of the comments by people, make me shake my head BUT other than that I live vicariously through you both.

  18. There is a much easier way. Never fails. No boat hook required. 1) Come up slowly to the ball, ideally into the current 2) Have 25 foot line tied both ends to a foredeck cleat under the lifelines. 3) Find mid-point (loop) and bundle up two to three coils 4) Lasso the ball by throwing circle out and and over the ball 5) Launch dingy to tie two lines 6) Remove your lasso line

  19. Grenada and Carriacou are now welcoming registered yachts under new protocols. Yacht arrivals began in mainland Grenada on Wednesday May 20 and in Carriacou from Monday May 25. As required, the entering yachts were all pre-registered into the GRENADA LIMA database before being given pre-clearance. On arrival at the designated dock at Camper & Nicholson’s Port Louis Marina, Ministry of Health officials conduct screenings, including temperature testing for yachts passengers who then proceed on the requisite 14-day quarantine at approved locations. At the end of the quarantine period, crew will be given formal clearance by Immigration and Customs, only after receiving a negative COVID-19 test result and health clearance from the Ministry of Health.

    Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hon. Dr. Clarice Modeste-Curwen says, “The Cabinet and National COVID-19 Response Team are satisfied that the implemented health and safety protocols will allow yachts a safe-haven in Grenada for the Hurricane Season, while ensuring the safety of all citizens, and contributing to the rebound of our economy.”

    Meantime, Grenada has welcomed four batches of repatriated cruise workers in the last two weeks. All workers have been screened, quarantined and tested for COVID-19. The last batch of 45 came in on Sunday and the Ministry of Health reported that one of them tested positive for COVID-19 bringing the number of confirmed cases recorded in Grenada to 23 with 5 still active but stable cases.

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  20. Always use a second line to a mooring in case the first one chafes through.. if in a blow.. it is a good practice to adopt. SV Cariba

  21. Dont trust them mooring balls they have a habit of breaking over on the channel sailing nandji they were on a mooring ball went to bed and woke up setting dry on the reef punched a bunch of holes in the bottom of their boat destroyed their rutter was a real mess they managed to get her 5 hours back to the mainland and hauled out on the hard and repaired her took replacing haul planking.and rutter and a ton of new glass i always when ever possible dive on them and go over the lines and check out the shackle

  22. Hello Beau and Brady, Great Vid ya'll! Regarding the mooring, you can try tying the ball closer, but this is not a good idea if there is 15kts or more wind. Make sure you use two lines to the mooring, one line for each side of the bow. The exit and return should be on the same side for each line. If you put the line on from one side to the other it could saw the mooring line in two putting you on a reef. But, in the end without a good current or wind there is nothing you can do about the mooring hitting the boat. If you have current with a light wind, this is the worst. In the end, there is not much you can do except pray for a bit more wind to pull you away from the mooring ball. Fair Winds!!

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