Tour SV Seeker, sâmbătă, 9:00 – 15:00. Ai nevoie de o barcă? Faceți o plimbare cu una dintre bărcile Russellville Marina. Este gratis. Sunați Russellville Marina la 479-967-1543 și programați o oră.
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„Trickin Pickin” interpretat de Doug Waterman
with lake Dardanelle it is more likely to be catfish food
cute thanks for sharing and have a great
She sure is a pretty lady Doug.
While you are out there inviting people onto your ship, I am over here answering the real questions. Such as: after over 300 years, we still don't know what to do with a drunken sailor.
My first thought with the original picture was the movie Up Periscope the radio man with the chicken on his shoulder 😂😂😂😂
Fake News we know Quakers is the Captain and you are the first mate – lolz
I was so excited to finally get on the boat last Saturday so many years I watched it on TV being built but when I left the boat I was so depressed what do I do now I guess I’ll have to figure out how to become a ship mate
Bring S/V Seeker to Tampa, FL for Gasparilla!
You seem to be going stir crazy 😂
OH man, the next leg of the trip is going to be super exciting!
Sailing is sort of boring. Can you build another boat
Doug, if you stay in one place one enough you'll have an entire floating community around Seeker. What a hoot (or quacker) that would be. Raise the Jolly Roger captain.
We had a great adventure to see your boat thank you for floater.
Omg so funny.