Găsirea și navigarea unei barci cu pânze abandonate în Caraibe… (Sailing Brick House #85)

Michael Hayward a ajutat-o ​​pe Rebecca Childress să navigheze cu barca cu pânze „Brick House” peste Oceanul Atlantic până în Caraibe pentru a-și continua circumnavigarea. Acum și-a găsit propria barcă cu pânze, aproape abandonată în Caraibe, și pleacă cu noua sa barcă cu pânze Laurin Koster – o mică barcă cu pânze suedeză construită pentru a traversa oceanele! Rebecca Childress va trebui acum să găsească echipaj sau să navigheze singur cu Valiant 40 pentru a-și termina circumnavigarea. Dacă sunteți interesat de navigație, atunci asigurați-vă că vizitați canalul nostru! Căutăm mereu noi aventuri navigabile pe care să le documentăm și să le împărtășim cu spectatorii noștri. În acest videoclip, am găsit o barcă cu pânze abandonată și am documentat că Michaels navighează prima dată pe ea! Tricouri noi: https://where-is-brick-house.creator-spring.com ▬ Urmăriți-vă! ▬▬ ✩Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/svBrickHouse ✩ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SYBrickhouse ✩ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SVBrickhouse ✩Blogul nostru: :http ://www.WhereIsBrickHouse.com ✩Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/PatrickChildress ✩Tshirts și altele: https://where-is-brick-house.creator-spring.com https://www. WhereIsBrickHouse.com/store și, de asemenea: Sprijină-ne pentru a continua videoclipurile: 🍯(Tip Jar) http://whereisbrickhouse.com/tip-jar/ ⏩ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/SVBrickHouse ⏩ Înscrie-te pentru un abonament GRATUIT aici: https://www.predictwind.com/?ref=rebeccachildress ⛵️ DOUĂ CURSURI GRATUITE DE SAILING: http://whereisbrickhouse.com/sailing-school ⏩Începeți cumpărăturile pe Amazon aici: https://amzn. la/2K9MmuA ⏩Tshirts and other: https://www.WhereIsBrickHouse.com/store #sailingAfrica #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelsAnimals #sailing #sailboats Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a avea acces la avantaje: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCC7DRvfDAoFn5eMyfTnaA8w/join Music Credits Islandesque de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Sursa: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100315 Artist: http ://incompetech.com/ Santo Rico de Twin Musicom este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/


Amigamiaaventurăbarcăbarcă cu pânzeCasa de caramidacircumnavigaţieCopilăde croazierădelosdiyîntreținerea bărciiLaurin KosterMichael Haywardnavigând în jurul lumiiNavigați viațaNavigațiePatrick Childressplimbare cu barcaRebecca ChildresssuedezSV Brick Housesv unuviata de barcayachtingyachting clubyachting club tarnitayachting club vellayachting romaniayachting sailor
Comentarii ( 21 )
  • B NLN

    God's speed and fair winds. Michael enjoy your new boat. Rebecca keep in touch and keep sailing.

  • Maxwell’s Adventure vlog

    Michael needs his own channel so we can follow him. It’s been a pleasure following this journey!

  • David C

    Michael! You sir are a class act to leave everything behind and help Rebecca travel from South Africa to the Western Caribbean through good times and bad. It has been a pleasure to get to know you and although things did not gel between you it was great to learn that a new opportunity was able to come your way in the form of a new boat and bring yourself new adventure. Wishing you all the best mate. Thank you both for making this video and letting us view the epilogue to your mutual story that has ended in friendship. Beautiful video. Fair winds and following seas to you both. Most of all … thank you for sharing <3

  • Stefan de Villiers

    Great video! Michael, please set up your own channel. We would love to subscribe to follow your adventures.

  • Dave Galloway

    Best of luck to you both. Would absolutely enjoy more content from you both!

  • Chas Warren

    More adventures ahead for both of you. Looks like a great boat Michael. There is no doubt you have a great boat Rebecca. Would be great to see both your ongoing adventures.

  • Kathleen Sullivan

    Wonderful watching, the happy and sad moments, the fun and work, the ups and downs, al the hello's and the goodbyes all part of your wonderful journey. The love of the ocean and sailing is truly in your genes! Your Dad is very proud of you. We wish you all the best on the Cape to Rio race, and lots of wonderful sailing time on your beautiful Amiga Mia may she be a wonderful and faithful friend and see you safely across the seas. I do hope that one day you write a book,!

  • Елена Севастьянова

    " Ведь Гeббельc же говорил : чем невероятнее ложь, тем быстрее в неё поверят. И он добивался своего, он был талантливый человек. " (с) Пyтин

    Также из кремля говорили : СССР ничего не производил, кроме галош. АПЛ Курск утонула. Если народ будет недоволен, уйду. На третий срок не пойду. Конституцию под себя переделывать не буду. Пенсионный возраст не повышу. Дворец не мой. Эти женщины не мои дочери. Зарплату понизить не могу, иначе таких эффективных запад перекупит. Дружки-олигархи и их отпрыски просто талантливые бизнесмены. Петров и Баширов просто гражданские. Их там нет. Крым – это часть украинского государства и мы не можем вмешиваться в дела другой страны. Доход 17тысяч руб – это средний класс. Я свою зарплату не знаю, приносят какие-то деньги, я их отправляю на счёт. Путин 6 лет на Рождество и Пасху с женой в Храме, а затем сказал, что много лет не живут вместе. Принудительной вакцинации не будет

    Война в европе невозможна. Это не война, а спецоперация. Возьмём Украину за неделю (3 дня). Снова заверил, что в спецоперации на Украине не участвуют солдаты-срочники. Воевать будут только чвк. Воевать будут только ЧВК и Zэки. Мобилизации не будет (твёрдо и чётко!). Мобилизация будет, но частичная. Мобилизация на спец. операцию . Военное положении не планируем.😀

    Видео #1 /watch?v=Uw9f36IBAfU
    Видео #2 /watch?v=A2yU94LJDwQ
    Видео #3 /watch?v=3fRw9Fyupww
    Видео #4 /watch?v=xB1XPX3Wyow

  • Penta Comstat

    031122 Yes… very keen to follow Michael on his adventures. A very bon voyage Michael. Stay safe and keep a vigilant eye on the horizon.

  • SuperNova

    I was wondering what you guys were up to a week or two ago. I think the evolution is great.
    Michael, you have great energy and this is reflected in your story telling, thanks for sharing and all the best.

    You should both keep making vids, you both seem to have sincere stories to tell.

    Some technical notes.
    Buy a radio mic appropriate to camera. They actually work if the mic is taped between cleavage under t shirt/ mitigates wind noise. Will save time in editing trying to clean it up. Aspect ratio for landscape type environments is better in 16:9 but maybe you have reasons for 4:3. It’s kind of cool but maybe worth looking at camera settings.
    That seagull shot near the end was lovely. Try 50 fps if you want to enhance the poetry aspect of your shooting.m with that type of shot. Maybe aim for 20-25 min vids. Easier to get out more often. btw none of this is critism just an opinion. You’re living the dream, finding the beautiful life force, it’s inspiring.

  • john majewski

    Sometimes people come into your life for a reason and when whatever the reason is completed everyone thought not easy as there are always both sides with expectations and commitments to test. It is not always easy, but both people move on. Can you share with me what Chinese animal signs are you both, as I'm doing a compatibility study to see if something comes up? Best to you both you are both free to fly again, Keep up the great video work, SV Skoiern IV

  • Mike Fetterman

    I normally am up all night (great night watcher) but always nap around 7pm until 11pm, and then around dawn, until 9 or 10.

  • Jon Spigel

    I look forward to following both of your journeys going forward. As a 3 time Valiant owner of course I take special interest in your adventures but on a human level I really respect your candor as you navigate what life deals out to us all. Thanks for sharing.

  • David Platt

    …I don't have to read the comments, I'm sure my thoughts are like everyone else's… I'm saddened if not a bit shocked…not what I was expecting. Not even close…and yet, and yet it seems rather apropos that Michael would find his new boat so close at hand. Indeed, good things happen to good people… AND, Rebecca is broken no more. Perhaps this is simply the way it was meant to be, the best of outcomes. That said, YES I want to keep following Brickhouse and Rebecca and Michael and his travels as well learning more about the new boat. I LIKE IT! So, I send you both good thoughts from NPT and look forward to what lies ahead.

  • Marybeth Truran

    Wishing you both the best. Such synchronicity finding Amiga Mia – I’m looking forward to seeing where your journeys take you next.

  • Will i am MC

    I worked for Cat building Onan diesel, I assembled the crankshaft and rods. Good little engine.

  • Hans Jensen

    Wow, nice boat Michael! Love the fat stainless grab rails and bow pulpit. And congrats on the (for now) sobriety, clear heads are great!