Comentarii ( 9 )
  • Flora Griffin

    Hello Brother David, do you have an email address where I could contact you, please? I wanted to ask if you could pray about something on my behalf if possible.

  • Allison Risas

    I’ll pray for you too, Flora. God already knows the request!

  • Sally Sailor

    Well said about the storms! I have several Luther books, commentaries on Galatians, Jesus’ departing Speech, etc, and I just recently bought the biography on Martin Luther, written by Eric Metaxas. I can highly recommend this author, also his sublime biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Fantastic reads!! I could not put down the Bonhoeffer book and read it in just a few days. There is also a quite well made movie on yt about Luther.

  • Sally Sailor

    Dr Mackereth – how about ‘afternoon tea with Mackereth’? 😊 You could do live videos, or whatever they call it, and perhaps take a few questions? Speak words of encouragement? Then you tell people some hours in advance, so we all can make tea and get the scones ready 👍

  • Ashley Latimer

    Amen brother it's so true what you said storms can be fierce yet also we can remember a large rooted tree needs the storms to be established the Lord will not try us beyond our capacity but I believe is rooting us for harder times ahead thank you brother mackereth you are a true blessing. 😉

  • Buford Ghoons

    This is my favorite Psalm because I can hear the pleading of a sincere, righteous man:

    “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!”

    If only, IF ONLY! they could see the majesty of Jesus Christ, to see the love of our savior who laid down his life for us but they cannot see. Only the Holy Spirit can allow this revelation. There is nothing we can do or say to open their eyes for it is a spiritual thing.