Refit de ani de zile PROIECT DREAM. O excursie pe teren cu covor magic.

Refit de ani de zile PROIECT DREAM.  O excursie pe teren cu covor magic.

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28 thoughts on “Refit de ani de zile PROIECT DREAM. O excursie pe teren cu covor magic.

  1. Fun episode! I love that you don’t pigeon-hole your selves and your channel to death. Keep pushing to your goal, sure, but keep some variety too ❤

  2. Oh wow! Been to San Juan Island many times always taking the ferry! That first scene when you took off was so full of splendor.

    The PNW certainly draws you in! Glad you could see if by air.

  3. For a time in my life, I flew to work in a Cessna. In Arizona, over deserts and around thunderstorms. It really got me back into photography as well. Quite a different point of view.

  4. col video
    Glad to see you both take a break from your boat building to enjoy yourselves. That 1989 sailboat was really nice and for sure will look wonderful once complete. And the Cesena172Mlooked like a blast to fly in and you've done it twice and maybe a 3rd time coming up wow.
    Looking forward to next video

  5. What an amazing intermission. Ginger is superb for a 50 year old. I used to fly a 172 back when Ginger was only a 10 year old, and they showed way more wear, tear and scratches than that.

  6. Your weekly Episodes are always great ones, but this one was a surprising one with a new twist. Sometimes it’s is better to have a detour to come back on track uploaded an refreshed. As you did. By the way, I love your music choices, especially the flute solo during Gingers flight. ❤

  7. Yet another wonderful video.

    I wanted to fly when i was younger but the costs were way too much to be able to do it. I have used simulators over the years to quench that bug but when i found sailing and noticed how similar it was i have loved every minute of it.

    You both inspire with your videos. Whether it be cruising (with or without😊sails), boat repairs or highlighting others on their adventure!

    Please keep up the great work.

  8. So beautiful to see The San Juan Islands from the air! It's flooding my mind with memories of my visit and bicycle touring of the islands and the Bellingham area 3 summers ago. Thank you!

  9. How lovely, I had a friend make the same offer to me once, so I know why your face hurt from smiling so much. It's an amazing experience, not only to be up there is a small plane, beautiful views, but to have a go, what a magical experience. Everyone needs a day off and you certainly benefited from this one.

  10. Now we (Marilee and I), look forward to meeting you two personally while you are so very close to where we live. How about a meal together, when you need a break?

    Somehow I think having you two couples around the table would make for a full evening!

  11. It's so obvious listening to your conversations and your mannerisms, you take the term "really nice people" to the next level. Really enjoy your videos and wish you the very best!! Cheers from Austin, Texas

  12. Flying is truly like magic. It is incredible that humans have figured out the principles that allow us to be carried up into the sky, defying all the simplistic notions of gravity.

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