Uraganul Lidia nu ne va opri! Suntem în mișcare spre sud. Tropice, până la urmă, iată-ne!!! Multumesc pentru vizionare! ps. Încerc să răspund la cât mai multe comentarii, dar suntem încă atât de ocupați, așa că vă rog să nu o luați personal 💕 Mult drag!!! https://saltandtar.org/ https://www.patreon.com/saltandtar –– gaj pe episod https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/saltandtar ––– unul -donare de timp Puteți, de asemenea, să susțineți proiectul și să puneți în evidență o parte din marfa noastră: https://www.bonfire.com/store/saltandtarswag/. Mulțumiri URIAȘE tuturor celor care au achiziționat articole din lista noastră de dorințe. Ne faci un mare pas înainte în proiectele care urmează. Nu am avut niciodată instrumente atât de frumoase. Sunteți cu toții oameni minunați, frumoși, minunați pe care îi adorăm! (Nu fiecare pachet vine cu o notă de cadou, așa că dacă nu ați primit o mulțumire, scuzele noastre și vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne trimiteți un mesaj pentru a vă mulțumi în mod corespunzător) LISTA DE DORINȚE AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/ hz/wishlist/ls/3KI2UF33FRNZQ?ref_=wl_share De asemenea, vă mulțumesc pentru vizionarea/tolerarea reclamelor. Chiar ne ajută financiar. Nu putem controla ce reclame (care depind de obicei de „cookie-urile” dvs., adică istoricul dvs. de internet), dar este o modalitate ușoară și gratuită de a susține proiectul și de a cumpăra mai multe piese pentru barcă. Mulțumesc tuturor 🙂 De asemenea, am încercat să ne menținem Instagram-ul actual. Da tehnologia! Pentru actualizări în timp real, aici este linkul: https://www.instagram.com/saltandtar/ Muzica prezentată: Dyalla Swain- http://soundcloud.com/dyallas Epidemic Sound- link de referință de mai jos https://share.epidemicsound. com/9srkjx
Salt & Gudron: Ep.269- Southern Baja, Here We Ven!
28 thoughts on “Salt & Gudron: Ep.269- Southern Baja, Here We Ven!”
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Good job getting to harbor too bad about the alternator though.
There's definitely something there. Y'all are so incredible!! Stay safe. You make me happy. Thank you. 💯💯❤️❤️
Nice video so relaxing this one was to watch. Easy going
Love the out takes, enjoy life, you are only young once. Thanks for the video.
Poetic justice 🤟
I get the feeling some freaky things are going on when the camera is not recording. Gotta be.
Garrett is the spitting image of Peter Green one of the founders of Fleetwood Mac. Rock on.
Loose connection between ignition switch and the field wire on the alternator
Wow, 'Southern Baja, Here We Come!' sounds like another amazing adventure on the horizon! I can't wait to see where the wind takes you both this time. Ruthie's voice-overs continue to captivate me with their poetic nature. It's incredible how far you've come, from laying the keel to sailing to Baja. The journey has been so exciting to follow. I know it's bittersweet without your puppy, but Swab seems like such a cool companion on board. As always, Ruth, your storytelling skills are top-notch. And the outtakes are always a fun addition. Your sailing channel is truly a favorite, and I've been watching since almost the beginning. Cheers to many more fair winds and following seas for you both. Stay safe, and keep those outstanding videos coming!
😂 the outtakes tell the real story … 🤣 the ice cream cone, then the song 😅 … Garrett, it makes one wonder if the Alt. needs better air circulation, ventilation to reduce the core temps of the bridge and armature?
10:11 Oh that silhouette. I am sure you can sometimes forget about it when you are on board, but what beautiful lines she has.
You are my first boatbuilding and sail YouTube channel and, I’m glad to say, still my favorite!❤️❤️❤️
Beautifully filmed. We’re sad we missed Santa Rosilia but glad we got to enjoy a bit of it through your lens.
It's gotta be in the 70's🙄🤔 go ahead rub it in!!!
Great video
Thank you for a beautiful production. Nothing beats watching a gaff rig sailed by two beautiful ladies. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico
Guys, La Ceto makes shockingly good wine, we get some almost every time we go to Ensenada on a cruise ship.
So glad you have a ukulele, was trying to figure out how to get it to you if I built you one.
Nice cut at “Let’s get everything else up…”, I see what you did there Ruth.
Good choices in sailing music you have made ! They fit the sailing narrative your trying to portray!
Your experience is like living mine in the 1969-1978 time warp. I have so much respect for your first quality everything. The boat is in good order, you are figuring her out and it makes everything easier as your pace settles to the light and weather. I expect we will meet somewhere in the south pacific, because you know that’s what’s calling. Charley is always saying, ‘let me go for days and days”. You already know you are ready.
Why don't you rite songs? You got lot's of thing's rite abou😃🤙
Would love to see some of your adventures using a drone?
Tucked in, some treats, hot showers.
Aaaah, my favorite white wine is a Chardonnay. chilled when I saw you all enjoyed some 😄
Meanwhile, back in the UK, we postponed casting off due to the canal being frozen over. Tomorrow's top temp will be zero degrees Celcius. However, I'm still glad to be living on a boat, not in bricks and mortar 🙂. Thanks for lightening my spirit 🙂.
Still here and watching every week. LUV-UN-IT
Its snow outside, dark and minus 15. Thanks for sharing the laughter, its much needed.