Riley și Elayna au luat barca greșită?!?!?

Riley și Elayna au luat barca greșită?!?!?

Îmi plac multicoca și îmi place Sailing La Vagabonde, așa că probabil am fost la fel de entuziasmat ca și Riley când a anunțat că vor primi un trimaran Rapido 60 și l-a lansat recent în Vietnam. Dar sunt și puțin îngrijorat că au mușcat mai mult decât pot mesteca, așa cum voi explica în acest videoclip. Ultima lor barcă a fost un Outremer 45 Catamaran, pe care l-au traversat Atlanticul de mai multe ori, inclusiv o dată cu Greta Thundberg. Aceasta a fost o barcă grozavă pentru Riley și Elayna și le-a introdus pe ei și pe publicul lor uriaș în lumea minunată a navigației cu multicoca. De-a lungul anilor, Riley a avut ocazia să navigheze pe niște multicoca de mare performanță, care i-au deschis ochii asupra vitezelor excepționale pe care le pot atinge, așa că nu am fost deloc surprins că următoarea lor barcă va fi un Rapido 60. Tocmai au lansat Rapido și a făcut un shakedown de 600 NM cu președintele Rapido și alți câțiva echipaj calificați. Au întâmpinat unele dintre problemele așteptate de la o barcă nouă, cum ar fi probleme cu motorul și electricitatea, dar au existat și unele lucruri care mă îngrijorează că ar putea fi prea multă barcă pentru ei. Croaziera shakedown a lui Riley și Elayna: Rapido Trimarans: Karver Halyard Locks and Reef Hooks: https://www.karver-systems. com/en/ Avertisment: – Acest conținut este oferit exclusiv pentru educația și divertismentul dumneavoastră. – Nu există garanții, exprese sau implicite, cu privire la orice conținut sau potrivirea acestuia pentru un anumit scop. – Există riscuri de rănire, deces, beție și dificultăți financiare implicate în navigație. – Comandantul este întotdeauna responsabil pentru siguranța navei și a echipajului său. – Sailing Tips nu este răspunzător sau răspunzător în niciun fel pentru orice se întâmplă pe sau oriunde în apropierea ambarcațiunii dumneavoastră sau a oricărei ambarcațiuni pe care nu suntem în comandă. #sailing #LaVagabonde #Rapido #Trimaran #howtosail #learntosail #sailingtips


35 thoughts on “Riley și Elayna au luat barca greșită?!?!?

  1. To add context to some of my comments in the video, the Rapido 60 has a 125m² (1,345 ft²) main sail and a righting moment of approximately 60 tons which is about double the righting moment of an IMOCA 60 monohull which is limited to 25.5 tons per the class rules. An IMOCA 60 costs about $10M to build while a Rapido 60 "only" costs about $2M, including profit margin for the builder, so actual production costs would be lower. So double the righting moment at 1/5 the cost. The pros who sail IMOCA 60s and Ultimes singlehanded spend months if not years training and preparing the boat, plus they have large on-shore support teams, and overall comparatively massive budgets due to sponsorship.

    The Rapido 60 will generate sheet loads of several tons in 20 knots of breeze. The a 42' / 12.8m monohull that I raced with a crew and also double-handed with my wife "only" generated sheet loads up to about a ton, which is much less, but still plenty when you're flying a spinnaker in 25 knots of wind at night and something goes wrong. So when I sold the monohull and bought a racing trimaran a few years ago I got something smaller to keep the loads manageable,, as we typically race double-handed.

    The chandleries I've been to only carried line up to about 12mm / 0.5" and hardware with safe working load (SWL) ratings of about a ton. Some have commented that chandleries in other parts of the world carry larger gear, so this will definitely be location dependent, but I have typically had to special order anything larger than that.

    I love how Rapido is trying to make high-performance trimarans and I think the Rapido 60 would be a great boat for the Caribbean regatta circuit and I really hope Riley and Elayna can make it work as a family cruiser.

    Thanks for watching and for all your comments!

  2. As an early childhood development educator, this boat is not ideal for the development of young children, there just isn't enough space for young children to thrive. Yes, they do take the kids on land as much as possible, but I doubt that the time on land is enough to the amount of time spent on the boat. This is their home after all. That being said, I know that they lookout for their kids well being and will do as much as they can to maintain an equal balance between boat and land Ie. space.

  3. I agree it's not a live aboard boat but they knew that and prioritised speed after that Atlantic ocean crossing with Greta.
    They were clearly overwhelmed of the difference in sail power and weather conditions. However, they were prepared with strong crew.
    They will adjust and be fine! They are a truly competent crew the 4 of them*)
    On yachts like that you learn to reef well in advance…. the sooner they accept this reality the better!
    They will be fine 🎉❤

  4. I spent some time designing my ideal boat a few years ago for solo/short handed sailing and came to the conclusion that a cat ketch rig was the best choice – in large part because of the smaller sail size and easier sail handling especially on the 54' length I was aiming for.

  5. I posted my own thoughts on their channel. I think their priorities were quite wrong. There is more to life than 20 knots. if the boat is your family home. This is a totally unsuitable and unsafe boat for very young children who will have nowhere to run around and play inside or out and will be confined to a tiny, narrow, cramped noisy space. The original plan showed Crew quarters in the side hulls, which looked absurd and dangerous. Putting a perhaps needy Third World nanny or anyone in there would be of real concern. Where's the ventilation or climate control? I thought the children looked exhausted and Alena has suffered from exhaustion in the past. She runs the business, editing the videos. The dangerous situation at the helm has been commented on by many people. A great pity as life seemed so good on their catamaran. I remember Riley saying to Elena that she would have to be able to understand and do everything herself on the catamaran if he was unwell. How could she possibly here?

  6. I agree with you completely. The faster and bigger boats puts more demands on the crew. When I heard that they were buying the Rapido 60, I thought then that it would be too much of a boat for the both of them. Guess we will have to wait and see.

  7. This couple 's vanity is affecting thier decisions. Legends in thier own minds. Whats the rush, isnt this cruising? Safety with power and speed is a fine balance even in good weather. Hitting a rabbit at 240km driving the autobahn- even in a new BMW- is never good.

  8. Wow """ so they plan""" on sailing with the kids """ till they are teens 😳that's not good """"! They only thinking of themselves,, those kids need to be in school!! When they hit 5 yrs old !! Too dangerous out there like that !! With kids !! Just my opinion 🙏🏾🙏🏾

  9. Totally agree. Also docking as in crappy situations on a 60 with just 2 people. And coming from twins screws.
    Our boat is a Sweden yachts 38. Just under 39 ft. We been sailing all our lives but getting overpowered overwhelmed or an simple injury or I want to go solo I wait be comfortable. D as o we stay under 40 ft.
    And the tri is in my opinion s mono hill from interior usable space as a live aboard the cat seems far more intelligent. My opinion. I am almost 60 they are young different thought process.
    Hope this boat doesn’t kill the desire to continue their adventure

  10. Clearly the wrong boat. Far too hardcore. No real safety for this young family. Hopefully they can all do the minimum and stay alive. On another note, Elayna needs to dial up the bikini if she doesn't want the YT stats to go south. All in all, some challenges ahead.

  11. I am currently in the same marina where La Vagabonde 3 is berthed. In real life, its a sweet looking boat. Riley and Elayna will surely sort their new boat out. They are good sailors too. And their kids will be completely fine. They will surely grow into strong boys and pull their weight on board as well. They will for sure have additional crew aboard, like on their catamaran, and it was even hinted that Riley and his mates would sail the boat at times with Elayna meeting them at the next port.
    They know what they are doing. Rapido has a lot of issues THEY must sort out.

  12. It's exactly the same when you change your old 250cc motorbike for a new 990cc. At the beginning you scare yourself and after a while, you mastering it …

  13. With any sailor and sailboat, or even motor boat – you get the boat you need to fit your situation and intent. It struck me that this boat was chosen as a family boat, a home. It's not. It's racing boat. So it can go 20 knots, 25 knots, who cares when you don't have anywhere else to be other than living off the ocean. Made no sense to me. With two kids on board, I think it was a reckless decision – but I do hope they figure it out.

  14. I've been watching for years and I agree. I think Reilly has put his own desires before his family's, which truly disappoints me. He seems to be taking himself too seriously. The living quarters look small and cramped, and certainly not child friendly. To me if you have children, they should always be your first priority while you raise them. Definitely does not seem to be the case here any longer. I'll still watch but I feel like it's a disaster waiting to happen.

  15. I read all kinds of comments from people who think it's fantastic what this family does. But those commenters really have no idea. I have been sailing all over the world for over 40 years with different boats, but I would never choose this configuration with small children. We have to wait until things really go wrong, it's just a matter of time.

  16. You are absolutely right. They started a journey years ago and from that came a YouTube channel. But in the meantime, that's a business that needs to be run. And it needs to be bigger and bigger. Influenced by commercial deals and sponsors.

  17. My concern is how easy it is for someone to go overboard, and given that scenario, how quickly can you get back to pick up the casualty. There does not seem to be any rails to prevent accidental trip or stumble.

  18. The crew on La Vagabond will have a learning curve on this boat, but, they will be successful. The problem will be will if the relationship will last long enough for the learning curve. Anyway, this is why we sail on a Ketch. …… Smaller sails!

  19. I stopped watching when they went to the Outremer. I enjoyed watching the breaks and maintenance an older boat like the original SLV. Interesting to see the change however. Good on them though. The deals must be rolling in for them.

  20. 😞The latest LV vlog was uncomfortable to watch.🙁 Elayna is unconvincing, attempting to put a positive spin on an unsuitable, unsafe and poor choice of boat for her family. I recently watched (and liked) old episodes on the Outremer 45 with David and Immy.💫💫 What a contrast. It was magical. The children were so happy and had lots of room to play. It looked like as perfect a life a young family could have at sea. Now I feel sad watching lovely little 💫Lenny and 💫Darwin and fear for their safety. They can't connect to fresh water at the marinas to shower. Running a crude hose on a two-million-dollar boat? Ridiculous. Riley wishes to appeal to a new audience (which seems a tad 'Bud Light' towards existing viewers). Having their nanny sleep in that dreadful little crawl space is not good. Riley seems to have discarded major comforts for future crew and his family. No Air Conditioning. They are all boiling despite 🙁open windows. 🙄No washing machine. For what? A gain of extra speed on passage which conditions most likely will not let them use comfortably? The number of views of this vlog suggests many viewers are concerned. Riley and Elayna are wonderfully loving parents. I hope they find a way out of this mess. Fast.


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