13 arestați după ce focurile de artificii pe iahturi au declanșat un incendiu forestier în Grecia • FRANCE 24 English

Autoritățile elene au arestat sâmbătă 13 persoane după ce artificiile lansate de pe un iaht au declanșat un nou incendiu pe o insulă din apropierea Atenei, în timp ce țara se confruntă cu un nou sezon de incendii mortale de vară. Primarul insulei Hydra și-a exprimat „indignarea” după ce incendiul a fost declanșat vineri seara și a promis acțiuni legale împotriva celor responsabili. Mai multe informații cu corespondentul FRANCE 24 la Atena, Nathalie Savaricas. #Grecia #ForestFire #yacht 🔔 Abonați-vă la France 24 acum: https://f24.my/YTen 🔴 LIVE – Urmărește FRANCE 24 în engleză 24/7 aici: https://f24.my/YTliveEN 🌍 Citiți cele mai recente știri internaționale și Top Stories: https://www.france24.com/en/ Dă-ne Like pe Facebook: https://f24.my/FBen Urmărește-ne pe X (Twitter): https://f24.my/Xen Răsfoiește știrile în poze pe Instagram: https://f24.my/IGen Descoperiți videoclipurile noastre TikTok: https://f24.my/TKen Obțineți cele mai recente povești de top pe Telegram: https://f24.my/TGen


Atenabogatdezastru naturalfocFranta 24GreciahidraiahtnaturăpădurepaduriPRIVATyachtingyachting clubyachting club tarnitayachting club vellayachting romaniayachting sailor
Comentarii ( 14 )
  • @peabase

    Those rich people won't be so rich now.

  • @galbax1

    Maximum penalties, please!

  • @anamargaridaalves3280

    Mankind stupidity as usual. These people must be investigated and properly penalized for their irresponsible actions towards the Greek Nation. Kind regards

  • @savannahm.laurentian1286

    Wealthy never face consequences. Would be nice if that changed. Sigh.🙄Oligarchy, anyone?

  • @California265

    But their home. Their land, their livelihood isn’t affected

  • @sommmeguy

    Good for Greece. I wish every country would hold people accountable for their actions, rich or poor, young or old, local or foreign.

  • @electraheart5749

    Please note, the arrests were of the boat crew. The wealthy tourists are back in Kazakhstan…

  • @user-kd2tn7ol1i

    Laiers laiers its the hight mesure of heat watch the termometer and watch what you did in arab bloods in gaza

  • @mattbod

    Why the crew arrested and not the Kazakhs: bribes perhaps?

  • @n.s717

    Just wanted to say, my country foreign Ministerium workers called to Greece , they said they did mistake , it was people from Pakistan., please before you blame some country, guys must get real informations from the authorities. All which is ends Stan are not same countries, Pakistan very different country than Kazakhstan.