Ce se întâmplă pe un Superyacht Atlantic Crossing – P2

Bine ați revenit în cea de-a doua parte palpitantă a traversării epice a Atlanticului a lui Motoryacht Loon! În acest videoclip, continuați să urmăriți călătoria noastră peste oceanul vast, unde navigația de precizie, acțiunea din culise și camaraderia echipajului se reunesc pentru o aventură de neuitat. Pentru întrebări despre charter și pentru a verifica iahtul, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul nostru oficial: https://www.yachtloon.com După cum sa menționat în fluxul live de ieri. Suntem încântați să anunțăm lansarea contului nostru Patreon. Membrii vor primi acces exclusiv în culise la echipaj și chiar vor avea ocazia să se alăture echipajului la bord pentru un prânz pentru membri. https://patreon.com/MotorYachtLoon Pentru actualizări zilnice, urmăriți-ne pe: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motoryachtloon/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@motoryachtloon Pentru întrebări despre charter și pentru Verificați iahtul, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul nostru oficial: https://www.yachtloon.com Mai multe videoclipuri charter aici: Realitatea alimentarii unui superyacht de 50 milioane USD https://youtu.be/AY-CqayThYE ALlook Inside: A 221 Ft Superyacht în timpul evenimentului Monaco F1 din 2024 – Partea 1 https://youtu.be/IVwYrxmKzAs Aspect interior: Monaco F1 dintr-un Superyacht – Partea 2 https://youtu.be/gLPYdZMNxP8 Urmărește asta: Superyacht de 70 milioane USD vs. Cel mai periculos din lume Pod – https://youtu.be/b0t3MNlmBDs #loonvideos #Motoryachtloon


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Comentarii ( 28 )
  • @daniellarison2320

    Not being rude but if this crew was the sole source of YouTube it would suck not the same as Paul’s crew

  • @budget-adventure

    What’s zip tied to the top of the drone, co2 assisted thrust?

  • @scottgordon1781

    Glad you got your drone , how much fuel did you take on ?

  • @christophb2736

    I really enjoy the difference between the girls ("Let's mess with toothbrushes and toiletries!") and the guys ("Bring the hoses and the rotten fish!").

  • @tonysmith9061

    So much fun! Love seeing all the crew!

  • @edwardlees4585

    Great to see you in Morrison's. I think everyone goes there as a rite of passage.

  • @bizarremagick

    Interesting video, thanks. I nte that with all of the electronics and computers, you still keep a written log!

  • @IdoBerg

    do you guys needs any music producers? ;D

  • @michaelpass-kb5zf

    you should get hold some ethyl sorb tubes for your walk in fridge. they keep veg / salad / fruit fresher for longer

  • @Vince-um5nq

    There seems to be a high turnover of staff on Loon, is this the case in yachting in general or just Loon? I would get sad saying goodbye to people so regularly

  • @Minikisses20000

    At least Dylan hasn't joined the Lost drone club yet. Another great video. Thank you all 🩷🩷

  • @jimdavids6708

    I hope you blessed the SHELLBACKS and Neptune with a tot of rum

  • @rayb3117

    I can see why Loon is one of the most sought after charters. How many repeat charters does Loon get?

  • @Eline_Meijer

    I served on a HNLMS Holland (Royal Netherlands Navy) for 5 years. I guess no matter the vessle, we all do stupid stuff like this to new sailors. Love you guys <3

  • @user-nd6be5zi9c

    A very natural video that shows what a great team Loon has great job Dylan

  • @macfanguy

    It is so bizarre that you are in the middle of the Atlantic, and the water is so smooth!😮

  • @karenjames9758

    Dean you made me smile the Aussie quick meal cooked chooks and rolls 😊🇦🇺

  • @stevenstone4330

    Next November, when you're back in the States, when you go diving and sper a lion fish. Clean it and eat it they are good eating.

  • @TheHarryb

    I did not expect to be laughing that much seeing a Superyacht video. Great work! Love the crew and the boat.

  • @user-sj4zr1vf5t

    Is this just a crossing the Atlantic initiation? I became a Shellback on a US Navy ship in 1989 lol very similar