Prințul Harry și Meghan Markle sunt pe teren SHAKY în SUA?

#royals #meghanmarkle #princeharry #theroyalfamily Christopher Jones Quora Pagina: Eliminarea vizei: ted-cruz-cancel-prince-harry-s-special-us-visa?source_location=search Recenzii critice ale cărților, emisiunilor și publicațiilor mass-media care acoperă: Royals Daily Life Royal Politics Celebrity Royalty – Cultura pop – Entertainment News Vă rugăm să fiți respectuos unul celuilalt. NU încurajez pe nimeni să amenințe sau să hărțuiască pe alții în sau în afara acestui spațiu. Dacă nu spun în mod EXPLICIT că ceva este un fapt, totul ar trebui privit ca OPINIUNEA MEA EDUCATĂ, care se bazează pe cercetare calificată, judecată, analiză și educație. Tot ceea ce afirm sau creez este cu bună-credință și bunăvoință. Nu există nicio intenție de a înșela sau a induce în eroare pe cineva sub niciun pretext fals. Orice material utilizat din domeniul public respectă Ghidurile de utilizare corectă și legile aplicabile. Informațiile pot fi utilizate în scopuri ilustrative, educaționale și/sau transformatoare. Acest conținut este strict pentru educație și divertisment. Îi încurajez pe alții să facă cercetări pentru a ajunge la propria opinie. Orice opinii împărtășite în acest spațiu sunt protejate prin dreptul meu de a mă exprima în mod pașnic și sunt aliniate cu regulile politicii YouTube.


Andy signorecaterina si williamdoamna Colin Campbellduce de SussexDucesă de Sussexechipa sussexFamilia Regalăharry si meghanharry si meghan netflixinterviuKate MiddletonKier Starmermângâie TillmanMeghan MarkleMeghan și Harrynunta regalaPartid muncitorescpiers morgan meghan markleplaneta floricelelorpodcastPrințesa CatherinePrințul Harryprințul harry și meghan markleprințul williamSepararea Meghan și HarryTalk TVVisayachtingyachting clubyachting club tarnitayachting club vellayachting romaniayachting sailor
Comentarii ( 50 )
  • @marypalmer1062

    You crossed the line today when you got into right wing politics by denigrating the Democratic party. I used to watch for entertainment. Now I'm done with you. BTW…it's the Democratic party not the Democrat party. See ya!!!!!

  • @pyeyoung8095

    I say again, you do the best research with your vlogs!

  • @TheAthena007

    Yes, Labour are clones of the Dems: Woke globalist bs, climate change bs, W.E.F. Puppets, mass immigration, open borders, importing voters, etc, etc.

  • @Linda_D

    He is a wokie 🤦🏻‍♀️majority of elections this year are leaning towards Nationalism. This is odd.

  • @Linda_D

    TRG Do you think that a change of candidates on the left will make any difference. None of these woman are liked very much?

  • @maryhurley5884

    . Ok but please don't show Tom . I deleted it .

  • @sarahl.7277

    You remember how much of a fuss Harry made about the cash donation Charles accepted and how Harry-the-wise supposedly warned his father about the company he kept. Never mind that Harry hang out with the donors kids. Feels like it was a preemptive denial to his Russian connections coming out. Harry always tells on himself. So does his wife. A match made in some alternative universes heaven.

  • @samanthasidney4180

    Didn't she video him setting out a picnic for the engagement? Not a roast dinner? So the classy comment probably stands as to what its alluded to. Maybe??😂

  • @fox39forever

    I'm so glad that you mentioned Agenda 21! It's way past time that people started to get informed about what is going on, i.e. what is on the cards for us. The people who voted for Keir Starmer didn't realise that the "change" he was promising in the election campaign is the fundamental change to our society and freedoms, that he has planned. They made a very grave mistake.

  • @jo979

    Excellent video, and I totally believe what Christopher Jones says. And you’re right about the Labour Party here in the U.K. – they are ghastly. They are the ones that opened the floodgates to illegal invaders in our country and last time left the U.K. bankrupt. They’re also far left and woke. I can only pray Nigel Farage is PM in 5 years time, as I dread what the WEF puppet Starmer is going to do until then.

  • @mariajohn5037

    The Dems are going to release another pandemic during the 2024 elections probably avian bio weapons I pray President Trump has a plan to stop the fraud the dems have planned for the elections

  • @misscatalina711

    So you’re down with Project 2025??? Just put on your maga hat Grift.

  • @queenofkingsbury

    England had a conservative PM for a decade and a half. How can you blame these problems on the Labor party

  • @queenofkingsbury

    Why not just "a roast" that's what we say, a Sunday roast dinner, which is chicken and potatoes, etc.

  • @debbiesmith8248

    Basically one third of the country has got what they wanted. The election seemed fixed to me.

    Digital ID has already been mentioned 😠

  • @ElizabethPatterson-x3x

    Harry should be worried because the new Prime Minister wants to take the Sussex titles away. This man is pro monarchy.

  • @magi4z280

    Great video TRG and I need to watch this again. Wow, this is a lot to take in. I read the book by Whitney Webb "All Nations Under Blackmail", and I believe Christopher Jones and will research more on him. Time to get our heads out of the sand.

  • @nicolewright5342

    What would we do without the information you bring to us!!!! So grateful for TRG!!!!!

  • @Pange3

    Wow on that picture Hilarys cheek fillers are sagging…. She is getting that joker smile 😜🤣

  • @GingerLeigh737

    It’s frightening the Mm could end up having a position in your political sphere.

  • @kathyhurley3229

    You have jumped the shark. You fault other for their hubris, but . . .

  • @margaretpaterson7297

    It is well know that kier starmer and more so his deputy PM would love to abolish the Royal Family so IMO I think they would relish taking ALL of Harry's titles away

  • @GraceCanadaful

    You make a great investigative journalist. Trudeau is a clown- we don't want him. We don't want anybody from the establishment. I am moving to Russia. The rules are clearer there. Yes, everything will get worse. R.B. is right – nothing will change unless the whole system changes. Unfortunately, more than one generation will be lost before things change for the better.

  • @marymcsoley4071

    Dear TRG I am devastated that we now have a labour government 😱 it’s going to be a disaster. I think that keir starmer is worse than Biden.
    The Reform party are our only hope for 2029.
    I wish the US a republican outcome 🤞🤞🤞

  • @BebinnAineHowe

    10:25 He was afraid of Nigel Farah who was forming his own party more to the right. Didn't want to give Nigel time to form and run against him when the usual voting time would Come around. I agree with you. Glad you have common sense about the progressives a corroded lot.

  • @sabinekantenseter5581

    FJB. There’s a reason the name Rats can be found in DemocRATS. Just my opinion!

  • @Rayesins

    Canada is a mess, thanks to little Justin. He's loathed and reviled. Pray for us in 2 years that we get a Conservative government.

  • @ceciliaM17256

    Meg and Harry are soon going to be dealing with the karma that we all know is real!

  • @ceciliaM17256

    You forget the most important thing meg does not like to work

  • @007KayElleKay

    I don’t think you can compare the Labour Party with your Democratic Party tbh . This is a far smaller country with laws that cover its entirety , no weird state laws to muddy the waters. Labour are going to be more interested in things going on in the country than playing with disinformation or bot sentinels etc . We need to rebuild the NHS, get immigration under control, get the education system working properly again and build much needed houses and on shore wind farms. In short, we need to look inwards to our own available resources not outwards to what is happening with Trump or Biden in the USA . Labour are not the “liberal party” , they are socialist . We have the Liberal Democrat Party who are a bit fluffy, a bit sit on the fence types and who would abolish the monarchy – these people are the true republicans of the UK .
    I think you’re making rather a lot of uneducated suppositions . The biggest thing that will happen in the U.K. is interest rates will reduce as taxation rises meaning less money in the pockets of rich bankers and more in the state coffers . Tax loopholes will be closed .
    This is why people voted for Starmer and not Sunak – after 14 years of Tory austerity ( which only meant banks got richer) , we’ve watched our public services expenditure fall through the floor – time for a reboot .
    Also, it’s likely at some point in the future that Starmer will renegotiate Brexit and hopefully rejoin the EU where we are stronger trade wise as we didn’t get any of the American deals promised by either Trump or by Biden .

  • @debbiemorris6474

    Great video, and spot on as always RG ! Your observations of the UK from over there are spot on re; our politics ! We were basically in a no-win situation and having the pick the best of a bad batch. I didn't vote for either for the record… They 'think' or 'hope' Kier / Labour will be a better choice and make things right but OMG, we are in for a really rough and tough time, mark my words. Only today, our newly appointed Minister for Women and Equalities when asked what Labour’s definition of a woman was began by replying 'Well, I have to say that there are different definitions legally around what a woman actually is'…. and so it begins. Anyway love your videos, thank you !!

  • @Cladina_Green

    Women's Rights are being crushed under the boot of imaginary "gender". The idea that this abstract subjective concept provides the basis for destroying women's rights has me voting for and ONLY for politicians who know what a woman is.
    Well, we all know what a woman is but some politicians are ridiculous liars.
    The UK Labour Party absolutely hates women. Look how they've treated Rosie Duffield.

  • @rosiekeays9143

    OMG! She (LJ) is awful! Perfect for office! Love your videos. So informative. Excellent sleuthing. I hope you're right about the Harkels!

  • @tracyb9824

    Very interesting. So much corruption. Thank you
    for the work you put in. It all comes out.
    Keep it up and take care!

  • @AlisonDavies-vj9un

    We are in trouble in the uk , i think we are bankrupt and our energy bills are going to hike up about 7 to 13 percent so it really will be heat or eat and our wonderful nhs is being smashed to the ground . I don't think any political party or politician cares about the hard working class , they promise you a better life for citizens and they dont give a dam .

  • @ritab8663

    I didn’t realise at the time the connotations of ‘roasting chicken’. To think that a sexual innuendo was used in an engagement announcement by the couple was imo absolutely outrageous, MM has used that phrase so much I believe in her blogs etc just shows the kind of person she is

  • @jowallace4986

    UK here 🇬🇧 I agree with all your comments Grifty about our new govt & PM but people are celebrating over here. Yes, the Cons needed to go but we've just replaced corrupt for corrupted & I too believe things can only get worser (thats a play on the previous Labour govt's mantra in 1997).

  • @leesa4756

    She’s gonna be indicted so don’t worry about it too much

  • @dixiehuston4869

    Hillary Clinton will be The One.

  • @dixiehuston4869

    Gavin will continue to ruin our Biden has ..just take a look at California

  • @dixiehuston4869

    How MM could think she had anything to offer to The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is ONE BIG JOKE

  • @greenleopard

    “Progressive” and “Fair” is code speak for life-destroying communism run by the power elites.

  • @roccoravello4738

    I do agree with your opinions on Globalist and their agenda. We should open our eyes bigger and see their agenda, slowly chiseling away our liberties.

  • @roccoravello4738

    So, as I’ve always thought, MM was a high pay lady of the night looking to hookup with a millionaire and she got a stupid “prince”.

  • @roccoravello4738

    Funny how you skipped Piers Morgan mentioned in this writing. Piers got it right from the very beginning.
    BTW,HG Tudor did a video where he also mentioned meeting MM in a bar with others when she was “in the hunt” going around the UK.