„Iahtul lui Putin”: zeci de milioane cheltuite pentru upgrade-uri în timp ce au fost deținute!

Obțineți o ofertă exclusivă NordVPN + 4 luni în plus și până la 20 GB de Saily aici ➼ https://nordvpn.com/esysman Nu există riscuri cu garanția de rambursare a banilor Nord de 30 de zile! CEA MAI BUNĂ muzică vine din… Epidemic Sound | Pentru o încercare gratuită de 30 de zile https://shorturl.at/gxP59 De unde le luăm pe ale noastre! „Iahtul lui Putin”, așa cum îl numesc localnicii din Marina di Carrara. Motor Yacht Scheherazade este un superyacht de 142 m care are multe legături cu președintele rus Vladimir Putin și a fost arestat de autoritățile italiene în 2022. Iahtul este încă echipat de câțiva marinari britanici, inclusiv comandantul ei (căpitan), în ciuda acelor legături cu președintele rus. care a invadat Ucraina în 2022. Căpitanul susține că iahtul nu este deținut de Putin, în ciuda faptului că anterior le-a spus intervievaților că iahtul era deținut de un „politician rus, care merge cât de sus”. De la arestarea ei, iahtul a fost prelungit cu 2 metri cu o prelungire la pupa, cu un cost probabil în jur de 6-10 milioane de dolari, iar acum se efectuează modificări suplimentare în ciuda arestării ei. Lucrarea este efectuată de @the_italian_sea_group. Guvernul italian a refuzat să ofere detalii despre modul în care această lucrare este permisă din cauza arestării iahtului. Acum, în ultimul nostru videoclip, arătăm că iahtul are mai multă muncă, mai multe modificări, cu un cost aproximativ de încă 5-10 MILIOANE USD. Dacă ești cu adevărat interesat, poți aici videoclipul echipei Navalny (este în rusă, dar cu subtitrare în engleză) https://youtu.be/WyYp9xPLa8s?si=co-RQTbFfmFroTUQ Abonează-te la canalul nostru Podacast @yachtreportpodcast https://podcasters.spotify. com/pod/show/theyachtreport Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/esysman Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuvvrj1tZ5oFYMRrFXhwFw Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1dJufuBCnn0H8h_PEJoDQ Aboneaza-te acum! https://youtube.com/esysmansuperyachts Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/esysman_superyachts Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSysman NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați informații din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/


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Comentarii ( 46 )
  • @mikerodix4800

    Would the new paint scheme happen to be blue and yellow 🇺🇦

  • @MikeWeese-ej9ty

    Do you think us peons have any idea what goes on with these people that have these massive fortunes.we don't have a clue???

  • @GeemailMailboxx

    Is YouTube forcing creators to put the sponsor ads so early in the video. Super irritating. I either stop watching videos when that's done, or just flat unsubscribe from the channel completely. 🥴

  • @fluffyfour

    I hope "whoever owns it" doesn't EVER get the chance to use it again.

    I suspect there are high level negotiations going on to allow this. The Italian government hasn't always been known for its morality.

    Small point, but having the sponsor message appear bang in the middle of your sentence was really jarring and I have to say annoying. Sorry to complain, but it's very rare anything you do or say annoys me!.

  • @raepaul8158

    In my opinion this is obscene corruption! To remind , the prime minister of Italy is a right wing putin worshipper . It’s disgusting there are no national or international consequences

  • @darrenjones3681

    I’m surprised they would take his money as isn’t there a trade embargo ?

  • @ralgor100

    Corruption pure and simple, the Italian government are getting a back hander obviously

  • @robertnisbet5590

    Even in this modern age and the seemingly limitless forms of information. The level of naivety of how the world works amongst the so called educated is staggering. Keep up the good work sir.

  • @nexttonic6459

    Classic corrupted Italian "government"

  • @ithames2753

    Interesting that the owner hopes to continue to cruise on this yacht at some point, otherwise he wouldn't have wasted more money on it.

  • @thomfult7956

    Old Vlad thinks he will be able to use it when that crooked Trump is re-elected!

  • @jilbertb

    He's probably painting it black so it looks like Medvedev's, so we'll be "confused" when it leaves…
    Someone must have told Putler that "all white everything" is from the last decade, SO out of style now.

  • @MrPLC999

    It's incredible that millions of dollars of "someone's" money can be spent like this in secrecy. It would certainly seem that someone is doing something that cannot stand the light of day. But then, as he said, this is Italy.

  • @martinogold

    I wonder if Putin has ever even used it. What a stupid waste of money by a sad little man.

  • @grumblewoof4721

    If it is Putin's Yacht, who is paying for all the updates ? The Italian government is run by the far right under the current prime minister Giorgia Meloni. Obviously, Italy is run by the Mafia and always has been and the Mafia has close connections to the Russian Mafia and the Oligarch kleptocracy and Putin, the richest man in the world.

  • @WelshVilliageDad

    The EU is still buying Russian oil. It seems these supposed sanctions are only for the minor players in the political game.

  • @dghtr79_36

    kind of defeats those idea of sanctions, doesn't it? can't use it for a while – well, since he started the war, he knew exactly that he won't be able to use it, and now it is just getting repairs, rebuilds, refurbishment done so it is like brand spanking new when it is going to get released back

    but what most likely is and has been happening for a long while with these boats, is that they serve as a funnel to whitewash large amounts of money to finance local interests that spread russian propaganda, buy political influence, finance NGOs etc

    so when it is permitted for the money to flow again, that is what is happening, and why it is happening, and not just Italy

    there was a scandal about one of the larger banks here in Eastern Europe maybe couple years before this war, where this bank was effectively serving as a transfer point to finance these boat builds, it had made a lot of middle men very rich from a normal persons POV, this bank got shut down, but the usual stink lingered for a long while, one rhetoric – "look how wealthy the owners are, built a hospital, finance art, they are respectable people who own this bank" etc, and the other – "local officials are catering to US interests, be independent" – because it was US pressure that lead to closure of that bank

    so back to topic of this boat – it should have been towed to some place and made it stay there with absolute bare minimum, just enough to keep her afloat, NOTHING else, let it grow mold in cabins, degrade with time, if it takes long enough – scrap her, that is proper use of sanctions, not this babysitting and making it look new, that is just a spit in the face to all this western support

  • @WillowGTI

    Weirdly – I was reading a classic American piece of literature from the early 70's called Slaughterhouse 5. Kurt Vonnegut makes a reference to a pleasure motor Yacht named…You guessed it: Sheherazade. Imagine my surprise! Surely this is not a coincidence!

  • @fernvalleyinn9172

    I guess Putin expects to live long enough to use the yacht again.

  • @rogerrolex6981

    This is ridiculous he is a criminal and this company should be shut down building this project

  • @zapfanzapfan

    And they have hired seagulls to keep drones away 🙂

  • @user-wu6eb5hp6d

    Try and get a comment from EU, they imposed the sanktions to.

  • @P5Master

    2026 all yachts will be back to their owners. just another show by the west.

  • @colingrant321

    Tax paying people of Italy are paying for more than new paint.

  • @mattipollari8905

    The mega yacht industry provides a lot of worldwide revenue, and employment. Sanctions tend to impoverish the citizens- as is going on with the U.S. and EU. I am astounded at the envy and attitude of ignorant people. I have worked in corporate aiviation for decades. While many of the very rich are criticized, I have found them to be like all other people, except they are wealthy and live in a different level. These people most always bring real wealth to the rest of us in trickle down economics. I am thankful for what I have, and do not begrudge their position- as all those I have worked for truly earn their money by hard work.

  • @Mark_888

    "So shocking to see..", what a joke..
    How many boats of American and European politicains and businessman have been seized after the start of Iraq war..? Right, 0, and 1 million civilian casualties and country in ruin is just collateral damage for democracy..?
    Peak hypocrisy as aways.

  • @J.E.W.S1967

    I think somebody should notify the American government. I think they would have something to say about what the Italians are doing. That’s why they were taking over in World War II by the Nazis because they’re crooked. Most Italians are crooked.

  • @valerigeorgiev5615

    Покажи документите за собственост! Без демагогии и фалшиви твърдения! Аз например твърдя, че тази яхта е твоя!

  • @Koi-addict33

    It's not Putin's and unless you can prove it is , stop been part of the propoganda problem we have , this feeds in to the western elites lies about Putin , the big mansion isn't his the boat isn't his it's all bs

  • @vendigrows

    We all know how Italian law works (€), what a surprise it’s over there!

  • @scotts5886

    So what?!..it's his boat. It's safe as long as the thieving americans can't get their hands on it.

  • @tibchy144

    The Collective West is doomed in Ukraine

  • @gmac7947

    What is the reason for so many super yachts 🛥️⛴️⛴️⛴️⛴️⛴️⛴️ Russian owned …………………are they full of 💵 💎 gold ??? Floating banks

  • @JohanVanSynghel

    This fraudulent 'leader' in power, not only deceives his own people, but also makes them fight a useless war. After more than 700,000 Russian casualties, God will punish him.

  • @cnossen86

    ittalian maffia meets Russian maffia…. simple as that