Miroase a spirit de iaht

Aceasta este o parodie de cântec generată de inteligență artificială a „Smells Like Teen Spirit” de la Nirvana, în stilul yacht rock-ului anilor 1970/1980. Acest cântec este conceput ca o parodie în scopuri de divertisment și pentru a oferi o critică comică a cântecului original, prezentându-l într-un stil muzical complet diferit și unic de cel al originalului. Parodiile de această natură sunt acoperite de Secțiunea 107 din Legea privind drepturile de autor din SUA și sunt considerate utilizarea loială a unei opere protejate prin drepturi de autor.


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Comentarii ( 33 )
  • @PositivelyGodless

    I will be using these for my show bumper music between sets!

  • @HyperspeedMedia

    first time in my life I can understand the lyrics of this song. LOL haha

  • @tobytomic

    So fancy without the grudge 🙂

  • @iammohd906

    Damnnnm… actually makes me wanna get up and disco dance to Nirvana

  • @holygoat

    This might be my favorite of these so far, lol.

  • @chuquiii

    I knew it, It was just a matter of time

  • @ValChronification

    The Ultimate Android Lounge Singer 3000 strikes again! 😮🎉😅

  • @CheapSoda1

    We need to hear chop suey – system og a down.

  • @troyevitt2437

    Daft Grunge

    Need the baby under the yacht and there's a $100 on the fishing lure.

  • @jimcabtv

    Man these are so amazing! This channel will blow 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @guilhermealbino8737

    Did you record these guitar solos or are they AI generated too? That's really impressive

  • @Squince01

    We are here on the first Day gents! Let's keep this guy going, I love it!

  • @Sparkleops

    Now thats what I call Yacht Rock

  • @badandy2007

    Love the content. This one sounds the most “robotic”. But still solid.

  • @oneproofwonder

    How much of this content is AI generated? Is it made from a single prompt? Or is it pieced together? Do you have to arrange it? Do you have to choose the chord progressions and rhythms and the new melody, or – does the AI just do all of that? Thanks!!! It’s awesome no matter how it’s done.

  • @tonysan1859

    With the Sonic 3 the movie coming out, I feel like Live and Learn by Crush 40 is appropriate. 😂

  • @alexanderellis6432

    I'm telling everyone I know about this guy. Thank God someone shared him on reddit or I'd really missing out on some quality jams.