Călătorie de trei zile pe un SUPERYACHT de 221′

Alăturați-vă Motor Yacht Loon, superyacht-ul uimitor de 211′ condus de căpitanul Paul Clarke, într-o călătorie de 3 zile de la Split, Croația, la Imperia, Italia! Urmăriți cum echipajul navighează în frumoasa Adriatică, întâlnește delfini jucăuși și menține iahtul în formă maximă cu sarcinile la bord. De la priveliști uluitoare ale mării până la viața echipajului în culise, această călătorie prezintă adevărata experiență de yachting. Ce ți-ar plăcea cel mai mult la viața pe un superyacht — aventura, priveliștile sau munca grea din culise? Comentează mai jos! 🐬🚤 #motoryachtloon 0:00 Introducere 0:31 introducere cu căpitanul Paul 2:00 Sosire la Dubrovnik 6:45 bunkering cu inginerul șef Alex 7:28 Magazin rapid cu bucătarul Nina 08:06 Plecare din Dubrovnik 9:20 Actualizare despre vremea pasajului cu căpitanul Paul 11:16 Ziua 2 Actualizare de dimineață 12:21 Actualizare punte cu deckhand Dylan 14:30 Deckhand Tristan 15:46 Exerciții cu ofițerul 2 Bjorn 16:51 Check-in la bucătărie cu șef-șef Nina și Sous Chef Judy 18:09 Loon Live Stream în spate Scenele 20:35 Ziua 3 Actualizare de dimineață cu căpitanul Paul 22:16 Actualizarea vopselei nr. 2 cu Dylan 23:35 Check-in în sala mașinilor cu inginerul șef Alex 25:11 What Jucin cu al 2-lea Stew Ximi 25:59 Bomb Drill cu Bjorn 28:03 Bosun Brent pe pod 28:35 Cum verificăm licitația în timpul remorcării 31:08 Check-in seara 32:30 Ziua Ziua 4 actualizare de dimineață de la pod 33:47 Pregătirea pentru sosire cu echipajul Deck 36:08 Am sosit ! Imperia 38:33 Outro cu căpitanul Paul Suntem încântați să anunțăm lansarea contului nostru Loon Crew Patreon. Membrii vor primi acces exclusiv în culise la echipaj și vor fi invitați cu căldură să se alăture echipajului la bord pentru un prânz pentru membri, făcându-vă parte din călătoria noastră. https://patreon.com/MotorYachtLoon De asemenea, tocmai am lansat magazinul nostru de marfă, disponibil momentan doar pentru spectatorii din SUA și sperăm să ne extindem în întreaga lume în următoarele câteva luni. Verificați-l aici: https://yachtloon.com/merchandise/ Pentru actualizări zilnice, urmăriți-ne pe: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motoryachtloon/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ motoryachtloon Pentru întrebări privind charterul și pentru a verifica iahtul, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul nostru oficial: https://www.yachtloon.com Mai multe videoclipuri charter aici: Realitatea alimentării unui superyacht de 50 milioane USD https://youtu.be/AY-CqayThYE O privire în interior: un superyacht de 221 ft în timpul evenimentului Monaco F1 din 2024 – partea 1 https://youtu.be/IVwYrxmKzAs Aspect interior: Monaco F1 de la un superyacht – partea 2 https://youtu.be/gLPYdZMNxP8 Urmărește asta: 70 USD M Superyacht vs. Cel mai periculos pod din lume – https://youtu.be/b0t3MNlmBDs Filmat de Stephen Tench Montat de Stephen Tench și Shaun Silver #loonvideos #SuperyachtLife #DubrovnikToImperia #YachtPassage #CaptainPaul”


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Comentarii ( 34 )
  • @CaptainPaulClarke

    Thank you all for watching. This was a fun passage. The weather gods were in our favor on this one, allowing the crew to get lots of work done before we arrived in Imperia and allowing me to give them a few days off after we safely tied up.
    If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs-up, and if you haven't already, please subscribe.
    Also, we just soft-launched our merch store, so head over there to grab your official Loon Crew Shirt and Cap: https://yachtloon.com/merchandise/
    Thank you, and see you next week as we start our SOF charter season

  • @235buz

    You should be ashamed of your carbon footprint. ☹

  • @philgardiner445

    Love these vlogs. Videography has come on leaps and bounds and the crew are now so much more relaxed and natural in front of the camera. Keep it up!

  • @codywaltz9329

    Keep those pilots happy! Ha. I’m sure that helps here and there.

  • @tonydownunder5703

    Great video, Really really enjoyed it. A bit of everything. Well done guys 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @noahmoore6252

    Of all things i'm curious – why no lime juice in Europe?😂

  • @NorCalPhil

    You guys just snuck that link to the merch store right in there! Can’t wait to get my shirt.

  • @melissalambert7615

    Love all, esp. kitchen crew. Have to say having worked with engineers, love the "you touch, you die" type note. Do you have a desalination system? Could you show it/mention how it works. Love the maps!

  • @mhj173

    Love love all your videos! I look forward to them every week! I saw that Loon is for sale though – what does that mean for you guys? I hope we will keep being able to enjoy following your journey on Loon!

  • @libertybelle371

    Thanks Captain Paul and crew. Love to see more footage of the food prepped and served by Chef, and the interiors – ie girl stuff! 🙂

  • @ajakarr

    How long of a water disturbance trail is left behind the boat?

  • @laca7676

    I saw it was uploaded 1 day ago but on the comp.screen it was July 8th Monday 🤷‍♂️🫣

  • @jonbool

    Do you ship your merchandise to the UK many thanks

  • @trajkovski5890

    I'm actually a sailor, but I really enjoy watching your videos. Above all, I always find it funny how you are happy about 1kt of wind because that would be boring time on a sailing boat

  • @donready1995

    Great video to Paul Steve and the rest of the crew! Always enjoy watching your day to day activity. Well done, Don R. Baltimore, Maryland

  • @scottfulcher6330

    I love how you show all aspects of super yachting! It’s not all all beautiful scenery, it’s inspecting the boat, making soup for sick crew, training, and maintaining. Thanks for sharing with us!

  • @SteveLaston-ji7gv

    To Grumblewoof Thank you thank you so much for that informed response to my comment 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Ur the best

  • @Jo.King_

    Italians: wait what, not more illegal immigrants…

  • @dwightyoung8878

    It seems you are constantly washing the boat. I know you generate your own fresh water, do can you estimate how much water you use daily?

  • @jaysmith8199

    Alex and Steve are v funny – British sense of humour 😁
    Nina knows chicken soup is a panacea for all ills…
    . But…… no yorkshire puds with roast beef is sacrilege 😯😊

  • @123boat

    Did the pilot get his T shirt?

  • @auldmart

    Does Loon have a desalination plant to produce fresh water for rinsing down the boat each day

  • @chrisyoungs3896

    So Captain Paul, did you give the pilot a T-shirt? 😁

  • @olayinkaoyo

    Very interesting. Such lovely weather. Thanks for sharing.

  • @rayb3117

    Great passage. I hope that one area is all repaired and looking spiffy.

  • @user-gn5eh7ib7t

    I am so hooked on watching you and the crew's trips through the Med and the Caribbean. Guess you could call me a motor yacht Loon groupie 😂. With your SOP's regarding drills, if you have anyone on board who misbehaves whether it be crew or guest's, do you have a brig on board or do you just make arrangements for them to be put off the boat.

  • @sharonwhite1985

    Love Croatia – we were there on Marella Explorer 2 in May for a two week Adriatic/Eastern Mediterranean cruise – nice to see her in the background of some of your shots! Recognised the Franjo Tubman bridge.