„Umblam pe ziduri” Un membru al echipajului vorbește despre Sinking Yacht Bayesian | SY News Ep381

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Comentarii ( 43 )
  • @glfirst4247

    As a meteorologist I can say the precise location of freak weather of this kind cannot be forecast by the models on supercomputers that do the forecasting. However, storms were correctly forecast and within them there is a good possibility someone somewhere will get hit by hurricane force winds. That is the nature of such storms with embedded deep convection. A small possibility but crew and passengers must be aware and the boat prepared for such an event. I hope lessons are learnt from this tragedy.

  • @slo007

    You keep playing a video showing a sailing yacht going flat in a storm; but that is another boat! You need to make this clearer in your video.

  • @luislongoria6621

    One thing to think about that hasn't been mentioned is whether any firearms were present on the ship. While it's unlikely small arms could affect the hull integrity of a yacht this size, perfectly new watercraft of the smaller variety have been known to sink

  • @tonyquinlan7341

    20 knots is not a lot of wind things must have gone bad fast.

  • @alisonrese9735

    Come on guys! Would you as captain, have been thinking of closing doors or mustering crew and guests to a point of safety??? I mean ~ I know in a perfect world, you'd like to think you could think of all those things but my gosh! As your weather guy said, at night, you are so compromised in the first place. I saw a storm in Mallorca this afternoon, manifest in about fifteen minutes, before we were hit with gusts of about fifty knots… Axxx

  • @Alberto-wp2dd

    Its been a crime, and denying it is miserable.

  • @1vigorousdragon

    Constantino , throwing the Captain & crew under the Bus over an absolute Freak Storm. Yes, the Storm was forecast..but not the Water Spout, the crew and Captain saving passengers was Heroic! I would be asking why a Multi million dollar Yacht sank so Quick, again it could simply be a Tragic freak water Spout and storm that went from moderate 20 knot winds to a sudden 80 knots.
    The Blame game needs to be replaced with a new set of Std Operational Procedures for future incoming storms. This Yacht sank so quick , no-one had time to do anything other than save Lives.

  • @kimmather2270

    This is the best channel for following this horrific story. Thanks for keeping it going. Seeing this particular post for the first time at 2100 of Sept. 3 (Newport, RI USA). AIS isn’t ‘smart’ enough to point the bow in the right direction. It’s only one point on the boat. It will interpret the bow pointing forward in the direction the boat is travelling – which would speak to the anchor dragging. (Whereas the nearby boat had its engine running and was in gear perhaps.) Not sure why there would be a gyroscope on board.

  • @bamagal1992

    The main reason I am about to subscribe is not because I am a “yachtie” but because the host is fair, intelligent, and doesn’t appear to have an agenda.

  • @R0m0uT

    Does AIS report the correct data in case that the vessel is tilted at 90°? Maybe that's the reason for invalid data?

  • @helentyrer3298

    When you see that Yacht it doesn’t seem to be in any distress it’s not bobbing about then just goes from sight ??
    Sounds like the crew did what they should , including saving lives . Why weren’t the rest up in the main cabin?

  • @tomriley5790

    Walking inside a yacht on its side whilst it was flooding and sinking must have been a horrendously frightening, brave and dangerous experience.

  • @lindakrelle6607

    As the yacht went over in its side everyone would roll over or out of their bunk and people shouthave been aware of something happening and start making their way out also surely the crew or captain would be shouting at everyone to noveand get out? Ice been inside a small yacht that went over and it definitely woke me up especially when the wall is under you! It's possible they struck their heads and weren't conscious or got stuck under something. It would have gone from a minor issue to a terrifying sinking so quickly thankfully some survived it's all very sad.

  • @lindakrelle6607

    Something that didn't make sense was there was only one person in watch. They had double the crew so why weren't there two even for safety incase something happened to the Watchman?

  • @Phbalancedshorty

    He could’ve definitely woken the captain up in person, and the captain came up to the bridge while the person who was on anchor watch went down to wake the crew up. He also says, he told me to go wake everybody up and “he doesn’t specify crew, so he could’ve meant the passengers as well

  • @billwalt9026

    So sad… so much money in the back ground of the whole story. The weather report, the captain and his closest crew members not following and taking into action. the very best practices of responsibilities because weather reports are seldom accurate. Just as precaution to care for his famously wealthy brilliant intelligent guests and protect them from any possible harm… So … Sad and irresponsible

  • @pacoxxi3302

    from the italian newspaper today : atypical drowning”. They had no water in their lungs, trachea and stomach

    they were no longer able to breathe probably due to a spasm of the trachea. They died like this without breathing water, without drinking it. The forensic doctors and consultants of the parties agree on the type of drowning, which will now have to be confirmed by a series of tissue tests. Among the investigations there are also toxicological ones to evaluate the psychophysical conditions in which the victims were at the time of the alarm.

  • @dianamincher6479

    The reason why the VIP guests drowned in the 1st and 3rd VIP cabins is because they couldn't access the one and only emergency exit which was the narrow staircase linking the VIP cabin areas to the upper deck and freedom!? No emergency signage was on the narrow staircase to direct them to the upper deck timeously. Only Angela Bacares figured this out and escaped? The narrow stair case would have moved to the ceiling position because the boat had tilted to 90 degrees!

  • @JunoBeachGirl_

    I personally find it almost insulting when people say that any ship or watercraft is “unsinkable.” It is not possible to have an unsinkable boat, watercraft, yacht, or ship. This type of description has been bane for all sailors for hundreds of years. Whether it is the Titanic or the Bayesian or any other yacht or ship all are impeachable by the ocean and the elements.

  • @AngelaShiel-s3b

    Very interesting insight into the pros and cons. Thank you
    I hope we have journalists investigating to see if any family links between the yacht designers/ builders and the prosecution, shame this happened in Italy, I think if this had happened in a different country, maybe we would have a much softer approach, giving some compassion to all involved and the investigation more closed shop….!!
    This is devastating for all involved, please stop accusations and be patient to see the outcome.
    Why have they never built another tall mast boat since 2008.

  • @patciava3398

    It seems clear from your comments that many of you haven’t seen the actual video footage of the sinking. Yes, there is a video—recorded on private property—that shows the moments leading up to the boat's disappearance. Contrary to the false claims, the boat was not leaning to one side. It was standing upright, with all the mast lights on, which then suddenly went out before the yacht vanished beneath the water. This indicates that the boat had already taken on a significant amount of water—certainly not through the air vents, as some have suggested.

    The crew's statements don't add up. The captain has been charged with manslaughter, yet he was allowed to leave the country and flew to Spain on a private jet. A private jet—who funded that flight? Why aren’t any of you asking the real questions instead of playing armchair experts? Why does no one seem to be curious about the suspicious circumstances surrounding this tragedy?

  • @patciava3398

    WOW, sailors falling into the water during a storm? Shocking! Who would’ve thought you actually need to tie yourself up when the sea gets a little choppy? I mean, clearly these guys are experts—probably handpicked by Lynch himself for their unmatched ability to lose their footing at the first sight of a wave. Talk about seasoned professionals! 😆

  • @Dean-m7c

    This had nothing to do with the fraud case of course.

  • @e30325ikiller

    watch?v=EM5ESYiRwWo thats what mediterranean storm looks like

  • @davidev.e.r.6629

    you used a video of the tornado in australia twice with a sailing ship that looks like the bayesian, tilting 90 degrees, making it look like it was the bayesian. these are called fake!

  • @sajahf

    So glad you're here to counter so much misinformation and sloppiness. Thoughts to all the bereaved and all the crew too

  • @Cheers_Warren

    Good list of questions .
    It would be good to know what the skipper from.other boat experienced and,what he,did . did they,experience the,same very strong winds?

  • @androidemulator6952

    @4:24 – video of tall masted ship tipping over – is that footage of the Bayesian tipping over – because it seems quite a few other boats nearby- one other boats cabin lights come on when the mast hits them / or sound of crash wakes them ??

  • @androidemulator6952

    On night watch, do not the on watch staff have radar on , to watch out for hazards emerging from the dark- i.e.. out of control ships, or in this case , "sudden weather" ???


    Reports are the autopsies have come back. All died due to hypoxia. They survived for some time….

  • @lette28082009roel

    IMO the most likely reason for the yacht turning (on the AIS data) is because the anchor was not holding

  • @griffinpublishing

    Umm .. Sounds to me as if the keel was either hit, or pushed, by a fleeing submarine, leading to the vessel flipping instantly.
    .. Good luck with the cover-up!

  • @sampelle

    I found online what seems to be the boat’s “stabilty information booklet” if anybody interested, some very interesting details on it that tell you that its not totally unsinkable…

  • @mikedjames

    Extreme heel – did magnetic compass reverse because of magnetic dip angle being steep in that area.. eg. Pete Golding autopilot reversal racing between NZ North and South Island.?

  • @user-zq4kh6fu4g

    During a knockdown the huge mast could be a huge conduit for ingress of water into the boat.