BARCA DE VÂNZIE construită în Marea Britanie își atinge LIMITĂ: Adaptarea la apele străine // Tribul Teulu

Te-ai întrebat vreodată cum se descurcă o barcă construită pentru apele britanice în Pacificul Mexic? Nu vă întrebați mai departe, când descoperim una dintre limitele unei ciudatenii britanice care ne-a făcut bine barca de aproape 40 de ani. Dar, la fel cum trebuie să ne adaptăm celor 19 țări în care am ajuns în aventura noastră de doi ani de navigație, este timpul ca și Teulu să se adapteze. Obțineți 20% REDUCERE + Transport internațional gratuit @Manscaped cu codul TEULU sau vizitați #manscapedpartner 〰️〰️〰️〰️ Episodul 130 I Capitolul 4: Un ocean complet nou [Pacific]
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Comentarii ( 25 )
  • @TeuluTribe

    Join us as we adapt our British Sailing Boat for International Adventures 🌎

    🏴‍☠ What's your #1 tip for sailing in foreign waters?
    ⛵Do you reckon we will encounter more of these adjustments as we reach the shores of Hawaii, Alaska or Canada next year?
    💡 Got any questions about our upgrades? Ask below!
    👇 Share your thoughts in the comments – we are always keen to hear your feedback

  • @juliazentner681

    Love your new wheels! Rims are super fly? Super bomb? Hella cool? Ok I'm 53 so not sure best description of today! Nice dingy wheels all the same!

  • @juliazentner681

    Zack you know we love you but just wondering if you have any news of when Becka might be healed enough to come back home? Best to both of you!

  • @patraic5241

    For your propane bottles. When you get the chance slip a thin bit of closed cell foam in between them. Between the walls and bottles and between the bottles themselves. It should quiet them and prevent damage from rubbing together.

  • @brian7269

    Love your backing music gives a great feeling. Hope your recovery Becca is progressing well

  • @carltontweedle5724

    The one question is why do they not come with the fittings already, seems like a no brainer. Dragging a dinge up the beach is a pain. But off topic great work fixing the boat. Hope her in doors comes back soon, but you are bloody doing it.

  • @daner.d

    not gonna lie but i do miss her giggle that she does

  • @davidh3194

    Nice work Zack. Looks like Parker has been a sport helping out. Cheers!

  • @lazzj4995

    Would love to see a hard dodger on yr boat like Sailing Triteia built. Incredible you have sailed so far without one

  • @MethosFilms

    Hey guys. Hope all is well with you.
    Hope to meet up guys next year. I’ll be in the Atlantic Coast til hurricane season gets nuts

  • @climbskibikenz

    A Rocna anchor and now Beachmaster wheels! Teulu will start talking with a Kiwi accent soon!

  • @Peter-wc4kr

    Rebecca will think you have bought a new boat.

  • @davideve6947

    Propane is superior for cooking, burns hotter. A gas alarm in the bilge might be a good safety feature.👍

  • @barrygorst3613

    You should never ever move a solar pannel flat as it's glass you always carry glass mirrors solar on end
    Never hit a bolts end as you will damage the thread, screw on a nut then hit it and punch, out the remaining
    A Goog time to add insulation between the ceiling and roof reduces heat and cold into the cabin. It's simple to do and not expensive
    Enjoy your refit.
    Solar pannels theses days are all bonded down with special brackets to allow air underneath and never ever bolted down to eliminate holes in your roof as all Motorhomes solar are attached this way now

  • @andyb2254

    Great work Zack! …but has anyone ever told you, you remind them of Jack Whitehall before!? …just me? 🤔🤣