Barja cu vele a lui Jabba reprezintă o mulțime de bani pentru 90% dintr-un set LEGO

Barja cu vele a lui Jabba reprezintă o mulțime de bani pentru 90% dintr-un set LEGO

Susține Brick Fanatics achiziționând seturile LEGO Star Wars de pe link-ul nostru afiliat: Grupul LEGO a dezvăluit oficial setul emblematic LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series de anul acesta, aproape -4.000 de bucăți 75397 Barja cu vele a lui Jabba. Marcând revenirea lui Jabba the Hutt în gama LEGO Star Wars pentru prima dată din 2013, 75397 Jabba’s Sail Barge este a treia interpretare a iahtului de lux al gangsterului în LEGO – și de departe cel mai mare de până acum datorită UCS-ului său. eticheta. Cântărește în total 3.942 de bucăți, cu 11 caractere diferite în cutie. Dar nu vine ieftin. Va trebui să vă despărțiți de 429,99 GBP / 499,99 USD / 499,99 EUR pentru a aduce acasă 75397 Jabba’s Sail Barge. Pentru cei care joacă acasă, acesta este același preț cu 10316 Stăpânul Inelelor: Rivendell, 76269 Turnul Răzbunătorilor și 76405 Hogwarts Express Ediția de colecție și face din Barge cu Sail al cincilea cel mai scump set LEGO Star Wars din toate timpurile. .


32 thoughts on “Barja cu vele a lui Jabba reprezintă o mulțime de bani pentru 90% dintr-un set LEGO

  1. I think the problem isn’t so much that it lacks a skiff or Sarlaac, but rather it’s just not a good choice for a UCS model. The UCS lineup is there for really good models of individual ships, not necessarily replicating scenes. The sail barge just isn’t as interesting a vehicle as the Star Destroyer for example.

  2. I think the price is insane. That being said, this is how I am makingbit work for me. I got a credit card that gives you 250$ bucks for opening it plus the reqards points for the spend will be another 40ish bucks. Plus theres the VIP points you get for buying it and the GWP. So, for me, the $543 (tax included) will feel like $253 plus the GWP and VIP points so maybe like $207 of real money. I do this everytime i want a high priced lego set. Works like a charm

  3. The AT-AT was way more overpriced at 900 for an ugly set whose purpose is display. And it was so incomplete that you had to spend another 120 or so for the Minifigures to populate the walker. And it didn't come with a snowspeeder as sidebuild.
    Or 900 for the ugly Venator. UCS sets in general never really look as good at their scale as the smaller ones do. They just throw more and more bricks at it to cover shortcomings, like on the Falcon. The playscale ones have full interiors with every easteregg. The UCS ones have nothing except for the cockpit

  4. Not only is the sand skiff and scarlacc set not included but they could have added two sand skiff that is accurate from the movie. There are mini figures that are missing as well such as Boba Fett who played a huge role in the movie, a jawa, and maybe a few random assengers. if the skiffs were included they could have added more guards. They also don't have the duel leg C3PO which would have been accurate to this set. It's just for this price range they could have included more and could have been more accurate to the movie.

  5. The problem with these larger sets is that the average person isn’t buying them, save for extremely rare instances. It’s a lot of hobbyists and collectors, and to those people, they don’t care about prices, because for a lot of them, they know sets will be worth even more in the future. It’s a frustrating byproduct of lego resale exploding in relatively recent years.

  6. An important counter point to the "sail barge + skiff should be one set": Personally I'm happy to get the skiff separately for a lower price and skip the Sail Barge since I like the Skiff and don't care for the Barge (and wouldn't care for even if it was cheaper). If the sets were sold together I and other people like me could not get the skiff.

    This way anyone who wants the total package can get it and anyone who only wants one or the other can also get what they want.

    I wholeheartedly agree that the Sail Barge is too expensive and should have been 100 (insert currecy) cheaper to make the total package seem more fairly priced.

  7. Nuh uh I've been anticipating 75397 or UCS Jabba's Sail Barge since July 2021 I knew We were gonna get this set sooner or later but what you misunderstand is that this set is mainly focused on Jabba and his Ship only and it doesn't focus on Minifigures.

    The GWP is accurate to what the scene is which is why the AT-AT had a Lightsaber GWP in 2021

    Price per piece is not relevant here it never matters not only does this use big pieces the Display Plaque Sails and Larger pieces are alot to make and to me feels complete also Disney's heavy charge

    It also includes a stand for the minifigures which we never had 2 Stands in one set which is the first time and rare to see now and we get the least amount of stickers.

    500 dollars is a bunch of money but the Sail Barge the absolute size at 2 foot 6 inches or 77 cm is unheard of the last time was Barad-dûr standing at 2 foot 8 inches for $460 at 10 minifigures but I much rather get Jabba

  8. It WOULD be cheaper if these no family, no bills geniuses would STOP BUYING THEM! Lego would panic n lower the price! Come on ppl stop being selfish n price the rest of us out of the same love. “A curse be to them! May they fall in love, get married, have children and a nice house with cars & debt!”

  9. I don't think the lack of a skiff is a big thing. I think the lack of more figures is huge. For $500, we should have gotten at least 5 more figures. The minimum being Ree-Yees, Tessek, Klaatu, Barada, and Pegetti Rook.

    Max Rebo without the rest of the band? 8D8? EV-9D9? Amanaman? Yak-Face? a second Gammorian Guard? And then they screwup Bib Fotuna's leeku…

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