S-au făcut greșeli de navigație | Boaters cu cap de os ai săptămânii

Acest echipaj ia un pod și pierde! | Boneheaded Boaters of the Week Bine ați revenit la Boneheaded Boaters of the Week! Ca de obicei, trecem în revistă câteva clipuri cu niște oameni care fac niște prostii pe o barcă, amestecați cu oameni care fac lucruri incredibile pe bărci. Avem câteva lucruri bune săptămâna aceasta, inclusiv câțiva oameni care nu au avut lucrurile să decurgă conform planului! Asigurați-vă că verificați produsele noastre pentru a vă arăta reprezentanții mafiei dopurilor de scurgere. De asemenea, dacă vedeți ceva nebunesc care se întâmplă pe căile dvs. navigabile, asigurați-vă că ne contactați pentru a ne anunța și s-ar putea să vă vedeți și aici videoclipul.


admisie de transportcum să andocuri o barcăcum să conduci o barcăcum să lansezi o barcăcum să remorcă o barcăcum să tractați o barcădând înapoi pe rampădeschiderea rampelor pentru bărcidistracţiedomnule bestieelementele de bază ale navigației cu barcaeșuarea navigației epiceeșuează amuzantlansare cu barcamonstru mikenavigatorii cu capul oaselor ai săptămâniiplajarea unei barciplecat cu wynnsplimbarea cu barca eșueazărampa pentru barcarampele bărcilor închisetipuri de bărcitipuri de navigatoriTrimite-ltrimitere completăvideoclipuri amuzante cu barcayachtingyachting clubyachting club tarnitayachting club vellayachting romaniayachting sailor
Comentarii ( 22 )
  • @davidhudson5452

    Safety they dont need no stinky safety will kill your job

  • @janetyeoman1544

    Pontoon boat comes with built in drag chute. Who cares about gas price.

  • @skyedog24

    It used to be that if you saw something wrong if somebody left the gas cap on their fender while they're driving you would do everything you could to try to help that driver now we have come to the point where we are so uncouth that we just film and don't help . That makes you the bonehead 🤔

  • @JT_70

    Have never seen a dancing Bimini like on that pontoon or anyone tow an upside down pontoon.

  • @TB-zf7we

    4:11 awe, those three bears just wanted to play, over lunch 😆

  • @shorton6707

    Whats wrong with these people that instead of helping or informing someone of something wrong they laugh and film, waiting for the accident to happen. Shame

  • @id10t98

    As witnessed in Baltimore, hitting a bridge and/or the pilings it sits on can cause immediate catastrophic failure or weaken the structure to fail at a later time.

  • @aaron-fauth

    The boneheaded camera men are even worse than the boaters all the time just hold the camera straight.

  • @fjb4932

    Save your sanity: Never give good advice to Idiots… ☆

  • @IAmTheShaz

    I've always known "bears are fast", but seeing it run next to the boat 😮

  • @melgillham462

    Had an amusing but sad event happen friday. Was headed home and i live on a lake. Sadly crossways in the road in the middle if a bridge ahead of me a boat trailer had come unhitched and the boat had jumped ship so to speak when the trailer buried the hitch in the guard rail. Had just enough room to pass in one lane. These folks (two elderly men) looked so lost. They didnt even have a cell to call for help. I called 911 and got help for them. Funny thing though, how sad is it that i was the first call to 911 when the accident was at least 15 minutes old. What a funny world. I sent a pic to my daughter with the caption "im sorry sir, you cant park there. " 😂

  • @SuperJlonergan

    still got the worst quality video resolution on the internet! what is your video editing setup and apple 2 c?

  • @fastwin493

    Help someone by trying to be a "good Samaritan" these days??? Unfortunately, those days are gone! Especially with the illegal aliens / gangs around, murders, violence, people with arrogant self-righteous attitudes with "chips on their shoulders", etc…??? Helping anyone is a very risky & situational undertaking these days! Unfortunately society & the world… are not what it used to be!

    Today, we must carefully evaluate everything & everyone before we act or speak. I presume you do, watch the nightly news? If you do, then you should know what I'm saying. 😮 It has become a very dangerous world because of politics and who has been teaching our youth for several highly divided generations now! And, it is only getting worse!!! We must be very situationally aware and not nieve :

    16 ¶ Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore WISE AS SERPENTS, AND HARMLESS AS DOVES.
    17 But beware of men [and now one of any other miriad claimed genders?]: …!

    – Matt 10:16-17 KJV

    Maybe this is a good explanation, why many appear to be "bone-heads"?

  • @paulthew2

    1 50 is that a white rat running to the bow and jumping in the water?