Jim Cornette pe Dutch Mantel

Jim Cornette pe Dutch Mantel

Din episodul 367 din lucrarea de artă Drive Thru a lui Jim Cornette de Travis Heckel! Trimiteți întrebarea dvs. pentru Drive-Thru la: CornyDriveThru@gmail.com Urmărește-l pe Jim și Brian pe Twitter: @TheJimCornette @GreatBrianLast Alătură-te Jim Cornette’s College of Wrestling Knowledge pe Patreon pentru a accesa arhivele și multe altele! https://www.patreon.com/Cornette Vizitați site-ul oficial al lui Jim la www.JimCornette.com pentru produse, date live, comentarii și multe altele! Îl puteți asculta pe Brian în fiecare săptămână în Superpodcastul de la 6:05 la 605pod.com.


26 thoughts on “Jim Cornette pe Dutch Mantel

  1. Dutch Mantell is an army veteran who served in Vietnam. Veterans Affairs Healthcare SHOULD be covering nearly all of his medical expenses … if he is making use of his VA benefits.
    I don't know why, but I know it is true that some veterans don't want to use VA benefits. Others simply aren't aware of the benefits available to them. Hopefully, Dutch (and all veterans) are receiving the benefits to which they are entitled.

  2. Praying for my brother Wayne and his wife going through hell right now even know I didn't know him long I knew him as a generous and very kind person and a very knowledgeable veteran a great man said tough times don't last tough people do and Dutch is a tough character. THE DRAGON MASTER

  3. I didn't care for Dutch Mantel at first, because I thought he was ripping off the gimmick of the original Dutch Mantel, but watching more of his stuff I realized he was perhaps the greatest Puerto Rican heel not from the island, then I learned his booking was responsible for turning WWC around, that he was behind TNA's highest pay per view buy rate ever and that TNA's highest rated television segments were Dutch booked as well. Quite the resume!

    Even if he did wipe out chasing that no good Jim Cornette!

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