Unul dintre primii așteptați, Louis Burton a raportat controlului cursei că a găsit crăpături pe puntea lui IMOCA Bureau Vallée. „Sâmbăta aceasta, 16 noiembrie, la ora 2200 UTC, când naviga în grupul de conducere al opțiunii de vest, Louis Burton și-a informat echipa de la mal și conducerea cursei Vendée Globe că tocmai auzise un zgomot foarte îngrijorător: un „crack mare” la bord. IMOCA Bureau Vallée”, a declarat Vendée Globe Race Control într-o declarație de presă. „După ce și-a luat toate măsurile de precauție necesare și a efectuat o serie de verificări, și-a dat seama că erau crăpături pe puntea ambarcațiunii (la nivelul distribuitorului Gennaker), care pot risca să afecteze integritatea structurală a ambarcațiunii. „Burton este continuarea investigatiilor. Comandantul IMOCA Bureau Vallée rămâne în cursă.” Grupul de vest face progrese bune în vânt puternic și discutăm despre numerele VMG și de ce sunt importante. #vg2024 #imoca #vendeeglobe
Excelente update!!! Thank you. Wishing and praying for all.
I think boats in the west might get stuck again for a while.
Truly enjoying your briefings – thank you so much for taking us along. So exciting. Warm regards and best wishes. Enjoy your sail!!!
And a plus is also that your accent is easy to understand for foreign viewers.
The guys from VG channel wrote me : No english Version, it's a French race!
Only in the lead because he's closest to the next waypoint!
Thank you for all your updates they are excellent and I look forward to the next one. Ken
Great summary!
Enjoy your sailing today! And thks for the updates! ; )
Very interesting analyze! 🙂
Good analysis, it's been fascinating watching the different strategies to breach the high pressure. Its good too to understand of the differences in.approach between the foilers and non-foilers. Good video.
Very nice report, all information one needs to know!
If possible also include some words about Boris Herrmann for the fellow Germans 😊
Your report is great,
Many thanks for thanking the time.
Although the official English speaking bulletin of the VG is better than the French original, the latter is a joke compared to your concise no BS relatively well informed broadcast! 👏
A great update, thank you. Clear & concise, just what I need.
Thanks for the update!
Good update, ta.
Great update and Jean seems to veer south easterly to catch the better winds closer the coast
Great analysis and presentation, thanks!
Why is there a forbidden area?
All the best to Louis Burton!
Great none complicated well put together update on the fleet.
Luis has always faced problems, he can deal with all of them. Sad, but he can deal with it!
Brazilian coast to be more precise. South America coast could be Chilele…
Nice video, very informative!
Loving the longer updates!!! Class updates. Would love some more life on board reviews as the sailors start spending more time at sea
Very informative, thanks 👍
Great update,thanks