#gridsparta #bikies Actualizările din această săptămână se adâncesc în lumea interlopă criminală a cluburilor de biciclete din Australia, dezvăluind arestări șocante, busturi dramatice și bătălii în sala de judecată. De la Lone Wolf, de rang înalt, Medhat Mankaryous, care a câștigat cauțiune în condiții stricte, până la crimele tulburătoare ale membrului Finks Tristan Allbeury și de la controversele clubului Hells Angels până la cea mai mare captură de cocaină din istoria Australiei, cu implicarea MC Comanchero. Citare: The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, The West Australian și ABC News Notă: Acest conținut încorporează informații provenite de la o serie de instituții media australiene de renume, inclusiv, dar fără a se limita la, The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, The West Australian și ABC News. Aceste surse au fost menționate pentru a oferi o perspectivă cuprinzătoare și completă asupra subiectului. Conținutul din sursă este utilizat în condiții de utilizare loială în scopuri educaționale și informaționale, în conformitate cu Secțiunea 107 din Legea privind drepturile de autor din 1976. Acest conținut este de natură transformatoare și adaugă o valoare semnificativă prin furnizarea de comentarii, analize și critici. Nu se intenționează încălcarea drepturilor de autor și toate drepturile asupra lucrărilor originale rămân la proprietarii respectivi. Urmăriți Grid Sparta pe Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/GridSparta Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GridSparta Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/GridSparta Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/GridSparta Reditt: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gridsparta
A real piece of work i can't believe how someone like him can be out with a record like his against women totally pathetic
These women who get mixed up with these blokes aren't too bright,they want the bad boy well you got it ,i got no sympathy for these stupid women 😂
LOL look at this fink he finks he's tuff he says no comment 🤣 😂 but you spoke that is a comment what a wozzle
Just imagine how many boats make it through the net. Geez, money to be made here in Australia.
Do the members get fined by the club when the police take there colours?
bail?? what a joke
never use cryptic messages
3:23 what a unit
Not so tuff know..☠️
His lawyer went to lawschool with the Judge
Stay lubed, stay erect, stay kinky and stay closet, gay Bang.
Tristan Allbery…….what a Hero bashing woman and his intelligence has to be the lowest level, perfect bikie.
Pretty stupid reporting without first explaining WHERE TF the story is from. You seem to be incapable of distinguishing between countries or states ffs.
Ok the violence against women shit is disgusting.
It doesn't matter whatever the situation you do not ever hurt a female.
Allbeury sounds like a weak gutless coward. If you put your hands on a woman, you are nothing but a gutless mouse.
Gay bang
The song was proper rank
That mouse hearted Albanese stands up laments the 'epidemic' of violence against women, yet the judge only gives this recidivist psychotic flog a brick for essentially torturing his missus? I tell ya, I cant really blame the crims for holding the justice system in Australia in such contempt. Fcuken joke…
Tang wu
Some people like pee pee
Bikie's Of The Past Year's around 15/20 Year's Ago are More Loyal and. Stunch as These Days Young men Running A Moke With Silly Mixing Of The Different Various Bikie Group's 1%er's Stay Loyal and Stay Strong….
Albury is small cock hero
Why aren’t arrests show of police officers in there uniform like they parade club members? #equality 🎉😂
3:00 in & the police force someone into protective custody, left that out 🎉
There is a heap of discriminatory practices against Men..in relation to DV but when these cochroaches are clearly a genuine danger should be no mercy for rhem. What a slimy slug of a man.
Stealing a tiny home and hiding it behind The Hell"s Angels clubhouse? Masterstroke nobody would look there, never ever. And to all the fuckwits bashing women, heads up, the rest of the male population look at you as weak as piss. And you are.
3:37 best answer.. here you go…. 3 more months of rotten eggs in breky