Dintr-o dată se auzi această voce; s4/e43

„Acum ești aici în Smögen, trebuie să mergi și să vezi Sotekanalen”, așa am făcut și, în timp ce absorbam toată frumusețea acestui peisaj, am auzit această voce și m-a luat prin surprindere. CEL MAI UȘOAR MOD DE A MĂ SUSȚINE? 1. Aboneaza-te la canal! 2. Cumpără-mi o cafea folosind [Super Thanks] butonul 3. Ajută-mă să construiesc un fond pentru a plăti împrumutul pe care l-am luat pentru a-mi reconstrui motoarele. Vă rugăm să donați prin https://www.gofundme.com/f/mvladyliselot Cams la bordul Lady Liselot. Verificați-le pe Amazon: https://amzn.to/3P5jFxP (dar prostul este că acești https://amzn.to/3T1AYB2 aproape se aseamănă). Cele 4 camere pe care le folosesc pentru a-mi produce filmările în aer liber sunt așa numitele PTZ – P(an) T(ilt) Z(oom). Zoom, îl folosesc doar pe camera din spate, când sunt în curs. După cum ați văzut, folosesc tigaia și înclin mult. Și în întuneric produc o imagine în infraroșu grozavă (vizualizare scurtă). Chiar și noaptea pot naviga într-un port de agrement cu camerele mele. Deoarece toate sunt așa numite „camere IP”, fiecare are o adresă IP unică (cablată) (fără DNS) în rețeaua mea. AFLĂ MAI MULTE DESPRE MINE: https://www.instagram.com/mvladyliselot https://www.facebook.com/mvladyliselot https://www.tiktok.com/@mvladyliselot Vă mulțumim că ați venit! Vă rugăm să lăsați orice întrebări sau comentarii mai jos. Dintr-o dată se auzi această voce; s4/e43 Acest canal urmează un format: „Alăturați-vă lui Henk-Jan, în timp ce el navighează pe nava cu motor Lady Liselot prin Țările de Jos și puțin mai departe”. Asta este. Aceasta înseamnă automat: fără tur cu barca și fără locuri de muncă. Aceste subiecte nu se potrivesc cu formatul. Așadar, îmi propun să vă dau o idee despre cum este viața la bord pentru mine și sper să vă bucurați de ea, poate vă relaționați cu ea sau poate chiar să învățați ceva. Dar este pur și simplu povestea mea și felul în care fac lucrurile. Nimic mai mult, nimic mai puțin.


AnholtarhipelagBalls Marinabarca cu motorbarca sportivăboatlifeBohusläncoasta de vest a SuedieiCopenhagacroaiaDanemarcade croazierăDeutschlanddragoste de barcaecluzăGermaniaGöteborgGrenaaHarmanöHunnebostrandiaht cu motorîncuietoriJuraKattegatKlädesholmenlocuri de muncă cu barcamalmöMarea de EstNavigand La VagabondenavigareaOst Seeplimbare cu barcaSamsoScandinaviaShaggeraksingurSkärhamnSmogSotenkanalenSuediaTraulervacante cu barcaVarbergviata de bloggeryachtingyachting clubyachting club tarnitayachting club vellayachting romaniayachting sailor
Comentarii ( 49 )
  • @raymondparr1

    I do enjoy watching you and your journey.. by adding music to me is not good. Rather hear the engines. lol. Safe passage my friend. X

  • @kunoknollenbuddler2167

    Hello Henk-Jan, thank you for this wonderfull video. I like it a lott. Have a nice Christmas and happy Holliday. 🙂

  • @feikeverweij5926

    Woooohhhh, mooie video weer Henk Jan! Sterk spul, die Zweedse mergpijpjes zo te zien 🙂

  • @mikaeldusthall5755

    Punch-rullar also called "damsugare" on swedish. (English that is vaccum cleaner). They resemble the old round oblong vacuum cleaners from the past.

  • @SolitarySwede

    That boat (RED, with the motorcycle) belongs to a guy called Jan Emanuel. Former swedish politician and entrepeneur… he's a bit of a personality, I would claim that most Swedes know who he is. Claims to be a socialist…. I don't know… 🙂

  • @terryandreasen5160

    Merry Christmas Henk-Jan. Have a great voyage and thank you for the videos.

  • @pageant1fd

    That was an emotional moment for you Henk Jan but your video and personality are held in very high regard. Many thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  • @mrowl-the-dsm1304

    Henk, I am humbled I was able to share that magical and emotional moment with you like this. You produce fantastic content, I never miss an episode, your so interesting
    Merry Christmas

    Mr Owl

  • @PeterDorshorst

    Hello Henk Jan. I’m watching this episode on Dec 22nd. You and video are a piece of fresh air. I’m tired of seeing all the bad in the world on the news and then to watch your channel gives me hope that not all is lost. Safe and fair sailing Peter

  • @mattwilliams9758

    Special stuff. Merry Christmas to the captain of the good ship Lady Liselot, and your family.

  • @stephencread

    I am delighted for you to be so much loved and cared for by so many. The key, is that you are YOU do not pretend to be anyone but the true you. you must know by now that is enough for us all to follow you. Safe sailings !

  • @Peter-wx9uw

    Leuk daar in het noorden maar ik heb je ook wel eens praten dat de naar het zonnige zuiden wilt gaan
    Ga je dat nog doen?

  • @annetlian6960

    Beste HJ, mag ik je serieus met een goeie therapeute in contact brengen, ik heb oprecht het beste met je voor en zij is echt de meest ideale vrouw om jou te ondersteunen met je emoties. Zie het niet als een belediging.

  • @johnerikmagnussen5758

    Hello. This stone hut you sailed past, there lived a single lady with many children for several years. Summer and winter. in Soten canal

  • @yachtfangirl

    I dream about having a Pershing 6X, but a Sargo 45 would also be nice.

    Punschrullar are best when bought from a local bakery. You can have them with gingerbread flavour here in Finland.

    I like boats, but flags I know very little about. Is that a Japanese on board?

    No coffee today, I have Clipper Earl Grey tea, highly recommended brand.

  • @yachtfangirl

    I just thought of something, notice how well the cottage at 12:19 blends in with the surroundings.

  • @nohabmz3473

    Hej Henk-Jan
    Min mormor hade en avlång grön dammsugare med svarta gavlar. Husqvarna var märket. Finns på Tekniska Museet. Bild finns om du söker på Husqvarna Dammsugare ca 1960. Likheten är slående med dina punschrullar.😄

  • @chrisnch

    When you show the bow, there's always the white triangle flag with the red dot in it (International flag for 1). What's the meaning of that?

  • @manuelvanderslikke680

    Hoi Henk, En weer een mooie maar ook voor jou een emotionele tocht deze keer van Smogen door het Sotelkanaal met inderdaad weer een hele mooie omgeving heb jij weer laten zien ik heb er weer van genoten ik wens jou al vast fijne kerstdagen en tot volgende week maar weer oooh heb jij eigenlijk ook een kerstboom aanboord ? 😉

  • @TimRoijers

    Leuke video weer Henk-Jan! En alvast een fijne kerst.

  • @cyberdonblue4413

    Always a gentleman, and such a genuine man too. Merry Christmas Henk Jan, to you and your family, and may God bless you all with good fortune not only in the New Year but in the years to come.

  • @andrewpalmer7811

    Thank you for another wonderful, humorous, beautiful video. It was lovely seeing how emotional you got by the welcome VHF call. We appreciate all your efforts, that’s why we watch and subscribe. Merry Christmas Henk-Jan from Andy in the U.K. 👏👍🏻🍺🍾

  • @deniermurch8693

    Careful, don't get to think people like you too much, or you will start to expect it. (satire)

  • @balp

    Merry X-Mas, the punchrulle, a.k.a. Dammsugare, is also called 150-ohm:are along engineers as the colorcode is the same as a 150-ohm resistor.

  • @a.bakker64

    01:50 Dank je Henk, ik laat deze winter een boegschroef inbouwen in onze zeilboot 😊.

  • @endlesssummer426

    Mooi moment dat men jou begint te herkennen, doet je goed zo te zien. Goede feestdagen alvast vanuit het zuiden van Europa.

  • @Sytten-Tusinde

    Ik mis de Lady Liselot al een tijdje op de AIS van Marine Trafic, klopt dat ??

  • @charlesfulcrum3170

    Hi Henk, you nailed it. We do indeed love what you do. 👍👍👍

  • @ArneMeier-g4x

    Oh man, Henk, that grabbed my heart! I only have a rough idea of how you felt at that moment, but it's overwhelming. Thank you for sharing your experiences on your journey. Never stop doing it! Go on sailing!

  • @Lennart1717

    Smögen is one of the nices places on the swedish west coast, crowded with people in summertime and knows also for fresh shrimps. It is also a great party place for those who likes that, especially at midsummer when the harbour is crowded. I don not have a boat but goes there a couple of times each year on my motorcycle or RV, the road is also beautiful. And correct ”dammsugare” is rhe correct name on the cake, noone knows what ”punch rullar” is..
    Have a nice Christmas and Happy New Year from Göteborg. I enjoy your nice channel.

  • @jeroenjeroen

    Hallo Henk Jan, mooie beelden weer!
    Is het daar gebruikelijk om op kanaal 16 te communiceren?

  • @JHK66

    Why your screens are 90 degrees to horizontal, never seen that on a bridge before…..

  • @permattson7971

    Hi Henke, there is an anticlock wise current between Denmark Sweden and Norway about 0,5-1,5 knots

  • @ThamesShips

    Another excellent video. The radio message shows how highly you are thought of by many of the people who watch this channel.

  • @Broadcastvehicles

    Puik stuk muziek heb je onder je video gezet, Henk Jan. Alleen al hierdoor zijn je video's lekker onderscheidend. Dankjewel dar we telkens mee mogen varen met je.

    Hartelijke groet uit Heerenveen

  • @geoffharris4697

    Lovely video Henk! Greetings from Waterford SE Ireland! Have a lovely Christmas and please keep on making these beautiful videos, such beautiful places to visit in your boat, what a way to do it!

  • @martinwarmerdam1746

    Heerlijk om je zo te zien genieten met wat je aan het doen bent…… en ja wij vinden dat ook leuk en juist op momenten dat je het niet verwacht schiet je van een klein maar intens moment vol in de emotie😊🙏 ga maar lekker zo door😀