#hauloverinlet #hauloverboats #wavyboats BARCA PLACE PREA TÂRZIE! FURTUNA SE ÎNCHIDE! | HULOVER INLET | WAVY BOATS Cu sediul în Haulover Inlet, filmăm și producem videoclipuri brute cu acțiunile cu barca de intrare. Conectați-vă și urmăriți războinicii din weekend Haulover luptă cu valurile aspre din cel mai faimos val din lume! Verificați aceste bărci Haulover și abonați-vă dacă vă place videoclipul. Rămâi ondulat! Produse pentru bărci ondulate: Haulover Inlet | Boca Inlet | Barci de transport | Haulover Sandbar Consultați mai mult conținut de la Boat Action Network: Boats vs Haulover: Rough Inlets: Miami Boat Ramps: .com/MiamiBoatRamps Blue Top Legend:… Miami Boats: Ca întotdeauna, vă mulțumesc pentru vizionare! Dacă vă place conținutul, apăsați butonul de abonare. Mă ajută să filmez și să produc aceste videoclipuri. Mai sunt multe pe drum! Mulțumesc că ești aici. Instagram: wavy_boats Facebook: Disclaimer: Prețurile și specificațiile de viteză sunt cercetate online și se bazează numai pe modele noi. Dacă un model nou nu este disponibil, atunci specificațiile se bazează pe piața medie de utilizare. Solicitări media, material de stocare, licențiere video și alte întrebări, vă rugăm să ne contactați la Toate drepturile rezervate | Orice utilizare neautorizată a acestui videoclip sau a capturilor de ecran ale acestui videoclip este interzisă de legea drepturilor de autor.


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Comentarii ( 25 )
  • @WavyBoats

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Haulover! Where is everyone spending Christmas this year? 🎄🎅

  • Anonim

    It should be a requirement that everyone wears a lifejacket, just like the seatbealt law. It will save lives

  • @kevinstent8448

    Where are their life Jackets ? Fools 😡

  • @alancartwright2244

    Wind over tide…. Never a good time to go out, especially when your dreadful passage plan and lack of experience is evidenced by the poor seamanship (fenders left hanging out). What do these people think they are doing??!!

  • @officerlawnmower

    I always thought boating was supposed to be fun. Nothing about those conditions looks fun.

  • @Saltfly

    Insetta might be the wettest crappiest boat of them all. The little boat full of kids took less water

  • @AshtonCoolman

    That's definitely a day to wear a life jacket

  • @charyuna

    Obviously seeing these boats in these conditions gives a first insight into which boats are best in rough seas and which to avoid

  • @Baainzey

    those young fellas having a blast around 3.30 makes me smile.

  • @dawnmariondehaviland6922

    I don't think these people are attempting to go to sea, I think it is a sport of some sort or just thrill-seeking, surfers seem to be enjoying it, we get nothing like this in the UK, if we did I am sure we would make something of it

  • @theflow5269

    So, is there no such thing as weather forecasts, tide tables, swell/sea state info, etc, available in this part of the world. Or are these people as stupid as they seem!? Or am I missing something!!

  • @thatlovejones

    No life jackets, tiny boat, rough seas. Should be good.

  • @GeoffreyEspin

    I can only imagine that PFDs are illegal in Florida. 😮

  • @nelsonperez8619

    This dummies to be crazy.They had to be Rukis😅😅😅😅😅😅

  • @AwosAtis

    I must be a wuss to wear my PFD while underway, but I'm a 75-year-old wuss!

  • @rayzee7561

    The mystery boat looks like an old Mako that has been refurbished.

  • @jessstone7486

    I'm queasy just watching this! Who finds any enjoyment in getting the crap pounded out of your boat, and you??!!
    There are only two things infinite in this world. Space, and man's stupidity. ~Mark Twain~
    Hats off to the CG, who go out after these clowns when they inevitably get into trouble.

  • @williamclinton6609

    Weather and waves like that and no PFDs in sight…..those guys are complete idiots!!

  • @jefftrimm7806

    The Rafnar and the big cats were truly impressive. The Rafner in particular handled the waves very well for its size- a seaworthy design. The lack of safety gear, harnesses, and general novice behavior of crew and passengers in practically all vessels was rather questionable…. I would say there is big mindset difference between sailors and power boaters in heavy weather.