Salvare cu barca de salvare din Insulele Canalului. Episodul 76

Ar fi fost mult mai rău; am ajuns aproape de dezastru, dar am fost salvați de RNLI. În acest videoclip vă arătăm extazul și agonia care reprezintă yachting-ul. Acest videoclip este o relatare a unei călătorii din Cornwall, în sud-vestul Angliei, peste Canalul Mânecii, o întindere de apă notoriu imprevizibilă, până la Gurnsey, în Insulele Canalului. Acest lucru ar fi fost cu siguranță un dezastru dacă nu ar fi fost o salvare oportună a bărcii de salvare RNIL. O acumulare de erori ne-a determinat să fim în afara cursului, împotriva curentului, ajungând târziu pe întuneric și fără puterea motorului. Neil, un inginer expert, arată că problemele minuscule se pot dovedi dezastruoase dacă se lasă să apară. Totul este bine care se termină cu bine, am supraviețuit pentru a naviga în altă zi, sperăm că împărtășirea experienței noastre îi ajută pe alți marinari să evite aceste probleme tehnice și, prin urmare, dezastrul.


AISancorarebarcăbarca de salvarecâineCanalul Mâneciicapricioscuplu navigatorEroareInsulele Canaluluimareemicul Russelmoanavigarepâine Pâinepierdut pe marePortul St Petersporumbel de mareproblema motoruluiproprietarii capricioaseremorcatRNLIsalcombeSalvaresarkspartsud-vestul AnglieiSupraviețuirea oceanuluiyachtingyachting clubyachting club tarnitayachting club vellayachting romaniayachting sailor
Comentarii ( 15 )
  • @karlmabe1649

    Never seen a Moody moving so fast

  • @jcfgh

    Alls well that ends well. I feel for you, and useful lessons we can all learn from. Very best wishes, James and Gemma. Dartmouth.

  • @chrisockleton5072

    Thanks for sharing this guys, really insightful and certainly food for thought! Good call on the pan pan, glad to see you smiling again and back safe! ⛵️

  • @AndyPidsleyAPi

    Even when you think you have covered all the bases, there are still so many things that can go wrong at sea. You did the right thing call it in at an early stage, it’s still a bit embarrassing especially for a practical chap. But you really had done your best to have a reliable ship. Thanks for sharing.

  • @pjenkins3700

    Glad all ended well – I’m sure we’ll all learn something from this one 👍

  • @Nick-kn2os

    Why didn't you just turn around and run with the wind and get to safety instead of getting a lifeboat out !

  • @boatbuilderPortishead

    thanks for have the courage to share. You're helping other with you honesty. Keep sailing – you've ticked this one off now!

  • @henrythornton235

    Thanks for posting this, my engine checks will be more thorough as a result. Best wishes Ruth and Henry Falmouth.

  • @pauljones7435

    Thanks for sharing. As an aviator as well as a sailor I know how easy it is to get things wrong, and how soul destroying it is when you do.

    However I also know that we all make mistakes and the best thing we can do is own up and learn from them.

    Well done!!

  • @derekhathaway

    You had wind? You’re a sail boat? Tides would take you around Les Hanois and along the south coast? Long and slow but doable?

  • @kimberleyaxxxx934

    Glad you are both safe. It could have happened to anyone with electronic Nav equipment. It suggests to me i need a separate back-up / compare options on an Tablet? Thank you for sharing, and well done for dealing with it cleanly and promptly. Remember, if you get back safe and sound and the boat isnt damaged = RESULT !

  • @debbietodd6064

    I'm glad it turned out OK for you and you arrived safely.

  • @tomp5207

    Does the lifeboat charge for call-outs?