Își va schimba iubitul cu un iaht?! | Test de loialitate UDY

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Comentarii ( 29 )
  • @UDY

    Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches and brokers. Go to my sponsor
    https://aura.com/udy to get a 14-day free trial and see if any of your data has
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  • @feliciabryant224

    Please tell me all you guys sat on that yacht For a little while and drank with him 😊

  • @Chaimamle

    Amir is fucking hot tf. His name literally means prince

  • @Shylia.www013

    i feel so bad for him. He looks so sweet and he's cute too mia is messed up for doing that.

  • @Center4Possibilities

    Seriously, this is some juvenile BS. Grown folks know that when you look for *hit, you will find it! And he set it up to WATCH along with a whole crew!! She doesn't need him and he doesn't need her! Grow up people!

  • @Karen-ej6qs

    This was soo intense ! I love how real UDY videos be, you can definitely tell this is real life, sadly.

  • @BongiweMakhoba-fz9tx

    It's a bit unfair at first I mean she said she's never been on a boat before so obviously she will be more than happy to experience that eyy

  • @Latefate

    he look like chingy and lil baby

  • @eliud2000

    There’s always that one big back in the group 🤣

  • @IfrahAli-i4m


  • @RenzoP3

    He spent way too much time talking to the friends. He shouldn't have said a word to them and stayed focused on "his girl". He let them distract him.

  • @Jsmoovect

    “You said I’m lame but you getting thrown around like a LOB”😂😂

  • @alle222

    time for another upload pls 😭😭

  • @Poseidongreekgodess

    Man he is so upset man seriously….this guy will not be the same anymore literally …..he has pain from start to end since it started 😞….so sad to see this mann

  • @ManuelHernandez-ps5uz

    🚩🚩🚩🚩Gold Digger /cheater 😳😳😳😳😳😮😮😮😮😮😮😔😔😔😔😔🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

  • @Salee357

    I don't even know what to comment, this was wild.