Ep.25. Înconjurul Regatului Unit SINGUR într-o BARCĂ | De la Whitehills la Peterhead! | Mila 1086 până la mila 1122

Navigarea este întotdeauna mai bună atunci când aștepți cu nerăbdare destinația. Săptămâna aceasta am fost, pentru că m-am dus să-l cunosc pe vechiul meu partener Aussie Dave! Am ocolit Capul Rattray si am trecut pe langa far in niste mari neglijente… DAR… Berea a fost ieftina la destinatie! E-mail: Bumbler@thebumblingsailor.co.uk MARFĂ! https://bumbling-shop.myspreadshop.co.uk/ MODALITĂȚI PENTRU A PĂSTRA CANALUL PENTRU LIMITARE! Paypal: https://paypal.me/BumblingSailor GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/d919bd1d Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/bumblingsailor Cumpără-mi o cafea: https://www.buymeacoffee. com/BumblingSailor Lista de dorințe Amazon: https://bit.ly/3uVm0kx AFFILIAȚI; Ardent Training: https://ardent-training.com/?aff=9 –10 GBP reducere! Navigație ORCA: https://getorca.com/?via=Bumbler –10% reducere!


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Comentarii ( 12 )
  • @6r4metroman

    Hello Clown, nice to meet you 🙂
    Please tell me have you changed your camera's, the video quality is so much sharper?

  • @Simply1ism

    Great footage and commentary. I appreciate your sailing vocab and raising my familiarity for when i get involved again. Thanks…

  • @pageant1fd

    So darn entertaining sir; keep up the amazing work you do. Cheers 🥃

  • @danielprince7228

    Sounds like those birds are Gannet's. Loads around the Bass Rock that you will have passed.

  • @RichieKeane

    great film Terry, fond memories of Peter Head Marina lovely people. bit hallow off the end of the second t last finger app main entrance !

  • @kimberleyaxxxx934

    I always massively overestimate my passage times.
    You are so right about the forecasts! 😂

  • @deborahtaylor9432

    Only got to look above you at Mackrell skies to see weather changeable bless ya

  • @trhosking

    Your boat handling in confined spaces is exceptional. You made that look really easy when it really isn't. I guess spending time navigating the canals, along with working in marinas taught you a lot about your boat's quirks.