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Some have pointed out in the comments that the footage was likely taken from one of the forward looking cabins as it appears to be too low for the bridge.
Act of war. Solong had 12 containers of sodium cyanide on board and the crew knew. Thats a chemical weapon.
Did people die in this or not. There are conflicting reports – but now there are manslaughter charges?
Colregs state that vessels coming from the right have right of way.
Rule 15 – Crossing Situation.[22] This rule concerns actions for vessels in crossing situations and essentially requires a vessel that has another vessel on their starboard (right hand) side to stay out of the way of the other, becoming the give way vessel under rule 17.[22] The other vessel is required to stand-on under rule 17.[22] Also, if the circumstances of the case admit, the vessel that has the other on their starboard side should avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel.[23]
So how can this guy say "they have been hit"?
1st video he repeats because it is only a few seconds long and it is repeating the video. He is not repeating himself the video is repeating bacause it's so short.
No wonder he was in shock he was supposed to be keeping watch and not sleeping
Great info as always. Appreciate the channel!
We need clear details of this account of a an accident at sea . Smoke at mirrors no 1
You know Putin is capable of doing something like this. Just to send a message. Just saying, don't rule it out.
The company who own Solong have quite a long history of shipping as well when you consider all the negatives drawn up …
With today's Radar, this had to be intentional!
10 mins full ahead into the tanker is to limit water ingress /jet fuel leakage …standard basic seamanship
I am an American who is NOT paranoid about Russia, because I reject all the Propaganda in the corrupt US Media. Reviewed all, looks like no one was watching where Solana was going, as autopilot took craft into the side of the US leased tanker.
Surprisingly, it was not disclosed that Putin was seen in the area!
Honestly, I am not of fan of super yachts, at all. I think they're ugly engineering disasters, but your objective coverage of the practicalities and politics of this world is priceless. No one does their job more faithfully than you do, as far as I can tell ❤
Saying he was Russian fits the current narrative, the media will use every opportunity as usual.
Unfortunately the Lord don’t have a cellphone…
The word LORD is obsolete at this time of modern technology. ✌️
I still find it strange that it is a russian captin and the tanker that was struck was USA fuel for their military aircraft. Suspicious !
Hey this is a cool channel. All the fun of owning a yacht with none of the headache or hassle.
Poor video. Center of Attention National UK.
Somehow this reminds me of the collision of the Yamashiro Maru with the East German ship Magdeburg on October 27, 1964. Did the Russians learn from the CIA? That shouldn't surprise me.
Why did the Hit ship go across the Solong’s Bow in the 1st place? Why didn’t it alter course to go behind it to avoid such a catastrophe?
A phillipino is common on any merchant ship from just about any country. Shows your worldly views are lacking information.
terrible dictation
How the hell did they pull that off?
They didn't see each other?
Wtf u r talking about!!!who immigrated to Russia!I tell u who the Filipino is! He is a watch officer or AB in watch !!!Definitely master was not on the bridge!
Thank you for your sober analysis of the collision. My question is,…. did the container ship purposely pull away after penetrating the tanker midships, or did that happen later after they abandoned ship?
Interesting delema, you are taught to keep pushing and plug the hole, but in the case of a tanker and fire, should you try and pull clear?
Man I felt so bad for the guy who was literally losing his mind 😢
You only very briefly addressed the point that the tanker was anchored outside of the nearby anchorage. As far as I understood she seemed to lie halfway in the fairway. As usual many sources copy ' news' from other sources but You mostly filter those finds before putting it on Youtube. So, was the Stena blocking the fairway? Is it allowed to anchor anywhere (I certainly think not)? If you sail into a 'not moving' obstacle, who gets the blame? Radar, AIS with CPA warning should have woken up the person on watch.
Maybe the ship on the autopilot.lack of duty personel no look out.lack of crew on the ship due to crew manning..