Ep.35. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Shoreham către Gosport | Mile 1747 până la Mile 1785

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#Naviga#yachtlifeapus de soareaventurăbarcăbarca cu navigatiebarcă cu pânzeiahtmaremarinarnaturănavigareoceanplimbare cu barcasailinglifeSailingYachtsoloVIAȚA BAȚIEvoiajyachtingyachting clubyachting club tarnitayachting club vellayachting romaniayachting sailor
Comentarii ( 16 )
  • @freddavis5648

    takes some balls to do what your doing, especially at this time of year Take my hat off to you

  • @alanpadgett9903

    I'm always confused on how you identify the spot they've assigned to you when you go into a marina.

  • @adrianturner4105

    Correct-me if I'm wrong but I believe Seastart will sub contract someone to help you on the whole of the South coast of the UK & also the North coast of France.

  • @RobertBlake-zd4cs

    Great trip talk. You have improved no end by doing this little UK excursion. Despite all the setbacks you have kept going. No mean feat. I've been on that hovercraft. Great fun 👍🤔😬

  • @robertfontaine3650

    A year of tides and fishing boats and lanes. You need to get down to the islands.

  • @bobdrane5224

    Can’t understand why this channel doesn’t take off big time,just needs a break.Hang in there Terry

  • @TheMilford99

    Watch out for the `Drunken (Russian) sailors.

  • @kevinhorne723

    In theory the sail drive is well under the hull and so does not pick up debris such as leaves. By adding a water inlet much nearer the surface you are more likely to pick up leaves and suchlike and so need a filter.