Trage de duminică # 163

Trage de duminică # 163

Făcând în pădure în timp ce mă plin cu 4″ .44 Magnum Model 29-2 Smith & Wesson, precum și cu pușca mea cu pompă de calibrul 12 Escort „Bargain Basement”. ––––– –––– Videoclipurile Hickok45 sunt filmate pe propriul poligon și proprietate privată de către profesioniști instruiți numai în scopuri educaționale și de divertisment, cu accent pe siguranța armelor de foc și deținerea responsabilă a armelor. NU suntem în afacere de a vinde arme de foc sau de a efectua modificări asupra acestora. Nu încercați să copiați acasă nimic din videoclipurile noastre. Armele de foc pot fi extrem de periculoase dacă nu sunt folosite în siguranță. Vă rugăm să verificați și să susțineți persoanele care ajută la realizarea acestui canal: BUD’S GUN SHOP , FEDERAL PREMIUM, SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE, SILENCER CENTRAL, TALON GRIPS și BALLISTOL: Deveniți membru Gong Club pe pagina noastră Patreon: Federal Premium: SDI (Sonoran Desert In stitute): Talon Grips: Ballistol: DE asemenea, TOATE videoclipurile noastre sunt pe https://gunstreamer .com/@Hickok45 Lista scurtă de redare a videoclipurilor cu întrebări frecvente va răspunde la majoritatea întrebărilor pe care le aveți: Găsiți-ne pe Hickok45 Twitter și Facebook, precum și pe „therealHickok45” pe Instagram.


34 thoughts on “Trage de duminică # 163

  1. I'm 21, and on Friday I will be picking up a Smith & Wesson 29-2 6 inches. This revolver is more than double my age, pinned and recessed with no locking hole just like god intended.

  2. On the subject of tolerance…I work at an office where every day some co workers feel the need to voice their opinions about non work subjects to basically everyone. BLAH BLAH BLAH George Carlin said it well "Blow it out your ass!" I've learned to basically ignore these people unless it's work related.

  3. I wonder if Hickok and Scotty Kilmer ever met in person. Better not hand Scotty a gun though, he ll be wavin it around and people be diving for cover😄

  4. Hey Hickok, do you think you could possibly do a video on Tennessee gun laws? I am traveling to Tennessee from Indiana this year and the “intent to go armed” law is pretty confusing.

  5. My first firearm bought was a 12 guage mossberg 835 polymer 2009 I think? And still have it! Shout out to you, your wisdom, second amendment support. I love watching your Sunday shoot a rounds. Read my comment on Sunday Shoot a Round #22 if you have time. Watched your videos for years but recently the past year started watching your Sunday videos. I try to watch them on Sunday every week but I'm a pretty busy guy. I'm from York PA in the town of Dillsburg and hopefully will meet you someday if I ever get a chance. Casting some lead balls while watching your video today. Take care!

  6. Yeah dude. I just watched your beretta video from 7 years ago and the quality looks 100 Times Better!!! What the hell did you guys switch to??? Flip phone cameras???

  7. Been watching you for years. A lot of the same kinda guns, similar rage even. From east Tennessee 2nd generation gun shop owner. You're videos are on repeat in my shop daily. I've turned loads of customers on to you channel. Would love to get together sometime and shoot a few rounds. If you ever find yourself short of ammo or wanting a shooting buddy I'd love to sponsordonate guns for you to shoot (esp ww2 era guns) then keep me in mind. Love all your videos and you are a great addition to the 2A legends. Keep it up bud. If you are ever near Knoxville Tennessee look me up!

  8. Hickok I used to argue my political beliefs with people for hours both in person, on-line…and your right, I never changed a single view! Only thing it did was make me more enemies! Ha. I liked your discussion about old music too, but you forgot to mention someone who was a HUGE gun lover…ELVIS! Hey, how about a video of Elvis' guns? He was a big Smith & 1911 fan from what I've seen in pics. I believe he had over 30 handguns when he died. A video about this would be REALLY COOL!

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