„Alone Together”: Singlehanded Sailing, LA la Hawaii și întoarcere.

„Alone Together”: Singlehanded Sailing, LA la Hawaii și întoarcere.

Călătoria 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz8wpl9YG1o&t=2663s Călătoria 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5m9yT06Khg ; Cartea: „Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond” pe Amazon.com; Videoclipul „Book Trailer” :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY3GFaHwRAA Croaziera cu Ericson 32-3 „Thelonious”, de la Los Angeles la Kaua’i. Douăzeci de zile, 28 de zile în urmă într-un an de uragane și un maxim staționar din Pacificul de Nord. Video pe paleta de direcție Sailomat: http://www.ericsonyachts.org/infoexchange/entry.php?217-Offshore-with-the-2014-Sailomat-Wind-Vane-Video


37 thoughts on “„Alone Together”: Singlehanded Sailing, LA la Hawaii și întoarcere.

  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video Mr. Williams. You'd need tremendous courage to sail across the pacific ocean like that and I couldn't imagine how you planned for all the contingencies and things that could go wrong along the way.

  2. "I think our boats will take us anywhere."

    Man, I understand that. My cal 28 Inara, needs some work still, but she's begging me for a Hawaii and back passage. Thanks for the inspiration

  3. Very inspiring! I have for many years fantasized of such a trip.. After watching this I have decided it is about time that I should start making the preparation for my own adventure.. thank you

  4. Do you, by chance, have a Spotify play list??? I confess I've watched this video umpteen times (spell check didn't correct that, so it must be a real mathematical measurement) in preparation for my own departure from Vancouver Island to Marquesas. Your choice of music is remarkable

  5. Why is the coast guard searching boats out of the American boundaries, correct me if I'm wrong but American waters is 12 miles out, they have no business searching vessels 40 miles off shore.

  6. What asses the coast guard are…..Al km that for training. I'd be ticked. They didn't get you for littering I hope…..if your wearing your harness and only you are on board isn't that enough to not need other safety lifevests

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