O croazieră de 100 de zile fără motor (și continuă) – Ep 83 – The Sailing Frenchman

O croazieră de 100 de zile fără motor (și continuă) - Ep 83 - The Sailing Frenchman

Ei bine, asta a fost o chemare apropiată… dar aveam atât de mult fin încât am ratat 24 de ore din program! Acum mai departe spre noi aventuri. – Hanorace, tricouri și multe altele sunt disponibile aici: https://www.thesailingfrenchman.com/shop/ – Aflați mai multe despre Mini Transat pe site-ul meu: https://www.thesailingfrenchman.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium =referral&utm_campaign=channel&utm_content=description ACTIVAȚI SUBTITRĂRI: pentru a activa subtitrarea, puteți face clic pe butonul CC din colțul din dreapta jos al playerului youtube și faceți clic pe rotița mică pentru a alege limba în care doriți să fie subtitrate. Acest link explică destul de bine procesul: https://www.wikihow.com/Turn-On-YouTube-Subtitles Mai multe pe Instagram #thesailingfrenchman și pe pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSailingFrenchman/


24 thoughts on “O croazieră de 100 de zile fără motor (și continuă) – Ep 83 – The Sailing Frenchman

  1. With the right girl for crew you can get a lot of help from many many many people !!!! Did she make the ferry and catch her flight? I miss Erica already !!!

  2. Ah, I see, another shitty day in paradise 😅, we feel for you Hugo. Why the hell did you ever leave that life of blue waters, nice weather and only friends around? 😮

  3. 👍. But, by the way, was Erika able to take her ferry ? Allez, donne nous la réponse !!! Merci pour le partage de ton aventure sur les flots ⛵⛵⛵

  4. Oh, the sympathies 😉 Good, you've found out it's the date of the flight at all ))) stay wet, Hugo! cheerz

  5. I am hoping you have three years worth of footage with the old boat and no engine. What an awesome manoeuvre rafting onto the catamaran by sail.

  6. I remember thinking "machine broken, adventure over". You have proven to me once again that it always goes on "Fuck the machine" 😀 . All the best in the world to everyone and fair winds.

  7. I love the fact that you are a true sailor. Some of the other sailing youtube channels are just people living in luxury on massive boats.

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