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Ultimele lucruri înainte de a pleca din San Diego

20 thoughts on “Ultimele lucruri înainte de a pleca din San Diego”
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Well done guys, you have all worked so hard to get your new boat to where it is today, Precision Sails good on you for getting behind Sailing Catalpa these guys are awesome
Your lithium battery materials are mined all over the world and very destructive to the Earth, The parts are then shipped by tanker, trucks, trains and planes to the manufacturer, who then ships the lithium batteries all over the world using planes and ships and trucks, and…let's be real folks. I am as guilty as the rest of you all, but I don't like it much.
Glad supplies and fixes and new sails went the way you wanted. Happy sail to Mexico. Great video
Are you going to meet up with Delos or Parlay somewhere out in the Pacific?!
All aboard whats going abroad 😂😂😂
I've been trying to make out how the word "windless" makes any sense and now I've confirmed that you're mispronouncing it !!!
The motor is to make it a windless anchor. You don't wind it up, the motor does it and makes it "windless". The i in windless is pronounced eye , hence you don't "wind" up the anchor !!! It is a windless anchor. The motor does the work , you don't wind it up!!!!! My beautiful GC Aussie compatriots need some elocution lessons. LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Your sails can't be windless or you'll be becalmed but your anchor can be windless when you use a motor to wind and unwind it !!!!!!!!😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I sure hope you fellas get a damn good laugh out of this. Can't believe I had to wait to this last video to def clarify what I thought you were trying to say !!!!!
Please let Bella take over all commentary.
Lee was bone tired here – lots of moving parts and hard deadlines (times to sail) well done team – like really well done. Nothing a couple of good sleeps and lying in the sunshine cant fix – the sunshine is the important bit – you'll have to give us an update on how the headsail turned out – really pretty teal colour – now lets hope see fly's as well as she looks – well done Precision
I'm stopping watching you if you keep polluting the world with evs and lithium. You do know your sails are made out of oil.
What you guys do is admirable. If we all did it it would be ecological disaster. However, please indulge. I have nothing but admiration.
bon voyage
Groovy episode. Stay safe and stay groovy. Your family rocks.
So cool to see you back out on the water. Well done on pushing through.
wow so great to see you on your way good sailing
Fair Winds you wonderful people 🙂
Get someone to take you to costco
I tried to send a copy of an analysis of how green cars are not green, but it would not paste. People need to get some brains, then an education, about green lies, the governments and lying news medias, are screwing all of you.
Bon Voyage , go to bed old man, time for some rest !
Good job well done…..
Never fear. It's getting decidedly chilly in Tweed Heads, as well!