Reporterii @RadioSvoboda de la RFE/RL s-au trezit urmăriți de o dronă și interogați de poliție după ce s-au apropiat de un superyacht de 700 de milioane de dolari numit Scheherazade despre care se crede că este deținut de președintele rus Vladimir Putin, confiscat în Italia din mai 2022 ca parte a sancțiunilor UE împotriva Rusia. Un proces federal din SUA pentru confiscări de superiahturi este în curs, iar jurnaliştii de investigaţie au susţinut că proprietatea lui Putin este ascunsă în spatele unui proprietar de paie. Eduard Khudainatov, fostul CEO al gigantului energetic rus Rosneft, spune că este proprietarul Șeherazadei și al altor două superyacht-uri confiscate, legate de oligarhi. #russiaukrainewar #russia #vladimirputin
Am fost la „iahtul lui Putin” în Italia și am fost urmăriți de drone

40 thoughts on “Am fost la „iahtul lui Putin” în Italia și am fost urmăriți de drone”
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The Cowardly Goverment is scared of Putin .
Putin's yacht wants to become a submarine
…fake news…
If it's not yours give it back to its owners, very simple.
Like this Video 😀 Reporters ( Radio Free Europe ) can go to Montenegro and film and take picture of Russian House , Apartments , Luxurious Villas 🏘 in all Montenegro
These Sanctions against Russia has only Improved their economy
Excellent journalism!
It's a legit target…..
Sell it at an auction and get over with it
impounded?, its STOLEN by democrats, just like in ww2.And the beauty is.. YOU pay he bill with tax money,. I hope democrats lose the case and pay the fines privatly instead of tax money.
"Radio Free Europe"….. and it supports a dictatorship controlled by Ukrainian Nazis.
Really… do u think ANYONE with more than 1 brain cell believes this truly pathetic Washington propaganda?🙄🙄🙄🙄
It would be a real shame if that were to sink…
All asssets from Ukraina
Russia should go to Italy and just take the yacht back. Nothing Italy or anyone else could do. Go President Putin.
lol 😂
Funny how people now support the theft of private properties because the media tells them what they want to hear.
Путину похер неа ваши санкции. ОН продолжит коллекционировать яхты и убивать своих врагов в тюрьмах.
It's not impounded/seized. It has been stolen by italian mafia
Why were these boats not seized and sold , money sent to Ukraine.
Sell it and give me the money i will spend the money Wisley in las vegas
US GO HOME ! Go back to your fucking contry and leave us in peace, mind your own business.
Putin is not welcome in the free world any more than Hitler would be welcome today.
Sell it and give money to poor people. Put a big label on the ship: SOLD.
The luxury Putin affords himself while the Russian people are starving is disgusting.
It is abosolutely crazy what Putin owns. Considering he has been a civil servant all his life. They must be well payed in Russia
Censur as always here
How about Israels Holocoust on Palestinian people ?
Take that boat and give it testaurated as a Hotel in Odesa harbour. All revenue to the Ukrainian Marine Military.
More like this ! Yes ! 👍
I'm not there and I'm no genius but even I could guess or assume the people onboard were Putin puppets. Whether the boat is being detained or in the process of being seized these people should not be allowed to remain either onboard or in the city. Nor should they be allowed to fly drones. What the hell is the matter with police and government officials? This is ridiculous! Someone is being paid. This is not normal, wise or safe.
By the way, thank you and good for you doing this. No one else is and it's not an unimportant event.👍🏽
You film them..they film you
Sell it.
italians love their putin and using tax payers money to protect his boat
“legal” theft by the EU nazi with the most corrupted bitch on the front, van der pfizer
Why is that important
Nice to see that the italian tax money are spent for maintaining Putin yacht in good shape
Till today the maintenance of this yacht has costed to the Italian government and it's tax payer's money about 14 million euros
That isn't putin yacht if you knew how to do research it owned buy a Russian billionaire
A government agency protecting high value things of rich generals and leaders lmaooo