Iulie 2005 În zilele noastre, India este noul tigru asiatic, lider în tehnologie și IT. Dar există încă mici colțuri ale unei epoci coloniale trecute. „Vineri seara am servit pește și chips-uri învelite în chiotele din London Times”, Hiro Shroff, membru de 35 de ani al Royal Bombay Yacht Club. Înrădăcinată ferm în zilele Raj, friptura și plăcinta cu rinichi sunt, de asemenea, în meniu, iar sala de mese din vechea școală are vedere la Poarta către India. Produs de ABC Australia Distribuit de Journeyman Pictures
Bombay Yacht Club – India

10 thoughts on “Bombay Yacht Club – India”
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I want to join.
I love yacht clubs…
Looks like a great club. Thank God there are people keeping it alive. Having a skipper who is not a club member is a pretty common thing though, especially for offshore racing.
I have sailed for 20 years in NZ, mainly around Auckland, probably the only Indian in NZ doing so. But I tell you there is no in-equality here. Even the middle and low class can have a boat and go sailing around all the gulf Islands and have as good time time as any celebrity. This sort of makes a joke of the sailing sport and hobby, I would love to have the skill of the tinders(skippers), even learn from them. They should be paid big bucks to compete in the likes of Americas cup for India.
I'm an American posted to Asia, and last August, my Azimut 86 motor yacht was stationed here for 2 weeks, and I was disgusted by the "type" of people who work here. The supervisors/managers were fairer skinned Kerala guys and that's fine. BUT…the way the talk and instruct the "other workers" to clean the yachts…that's a different matter. These "workers" were the ultra black Indians who can't even speak English, and the supervidor was calling them PARIAH. Horrible racists.
Ironically, the flipside of what's keeping the club alive (nostalgia for past rule) is reflected in the keeping of modern servant-skippers. From the cooley of old to the Raj: "I am the captain now."
I want to join the club and I want to become sailor
Here also divide and rule waaaa
Lovable person Gulshan Rai
Rest In Peace friend