Sand Yachting A Skerries Sailing Club Încercați Sand Yachting Day

Sand Yachting A Skerries Sailing Club Încercați Sand Yachting Day

Juniorii Skerries Sailing Club își schimbă Optimists cu Miniyacht-uri (small sandyachts) cu Irish Power Kite & Sandyacht . Fiori și vărsări, dar mare distracție!


4 thoughts on “Sand Yachting A Skerries Sailing Club Încercați Sand Yachting Day

  1. kite buggies can't go upwind worth shit.

    plus these are much faster when made well

  2. erm .. kite buggies can go up wind they work on the same principal with tacking gybing and doubt there would be much difference in speed if the right sail/kite choice is made
    if the kite has a good aoa it can almost straight up wind
    cool vid thoe 🙂

  3. kite buggies can go up wind probably more efficient too it all a case of kite choice i would probably say there both on par for speed
    cool vid thoe 🙂

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