Fast Times, prin amabilitatea lui Paul Larson și a echipei Sail Rocket. Există de ceva vreme, dar încă un videoclip clasic cu molii care arată orașul foliei la cel mai bun mod. Drepturi de autor Sail Rocket
Distracție rapidă în orașul Foiler – Extreme Moth Sailing

31 thoughts on “Distracție rapidă în orașul Foiler – Extreme Moth Sailing”
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the stick hanging off the front is called a bow wand. it senses the height of the water under the bow and then as it gets pushed up with each wave, it pushes and pulls little levers and such inside the hull and that connects the the hydrofoil on centreboard to keep the boat stable.
otherwise, the hydrofoil on the centreboard would stay at the same depth and the boat would be jockeying up and down with each and every little ripple in the water. the adjustments made are tiny. the hydrofoil on the rudder is adjusted by twisting the tiller extension. but its more of a fine tuning mechanism. hope i helped!
that's some smooth sailing.
I want one too ! I wish I had the money and someone to train with… I guess I'll have to cope with my laser !
They are for sale for £4500 second hand.
awesome vid. i REALLY want one!!! anyone know the song?
This looks like fun … it is Fun =)
lots of pumping
Awesome stuff.
this made my cry its so amzing!!!!!!!!!! i love u guys for sailing these fantastic boats :):):):):):):)
@ObzervrR i heard they can go 30 with enough wind, bloody terrifying when ur sailing a feva and they come towards u i can tell you
what was the original song for this video??
true wind power
It`s amazing!!
@BadWithNames123 no not enough
Dude, that looks really fun!!
The self adjusting mechanism you just described for the hydrofoil; in short, could also be called an auto trim system…
Small aircraft also have them .. Cesnas and pipers.. I fly them..
just sharing the knowledge..
Wow. Great job with the video.
first of all great sailing weather :p
second, i would like to see how the get such a boat back normal when it tipled over :p
Great vid. These guys make it look so easy….
Now how could anyone dislike this video…
@flowandgo same as how they get the boat up after they carry it into the water…!
@dedly13 I had the same experience in a feva, and my old low rider moth! (1970's)
Still no song title ?
The song title is at the very beginning of the video (although now I see that it is missing one letter). Song is 'Are You Ready' by Copious.
And can be found here (REMOVE THE WORD 'DOT' FROM THE LINK) wwwDOTmyspaceDOTcom/nicklennoxmusic/music/songs/are-you-ready-16226204
Always wanted to have a go in a Moth… one day!
solo responda me donde puedo conseguir 1 !!!!!!! realmente impresionate
sic as
Still looking for the ORIGINAL song for this video…the one that was removed due to copy rights or something.