The Pogues – Thousands are Sailing Versuri

The Pogues - Thousands are Sailing Versuri

Acesta este al cincilea dintr-o serie de videoclipuri muzicale simple care includ versurile unora dintre cele mai bune melodii Pogues. Pogues cântă muzică tradițională irlandeză cu influențe din punk rock. Deși sunetul real al acestei muzici este remarcabil, versurile sunt în mod normal incredibile și sunt opera unui geniu, în acest caz membru fondator Philip Chevron (cântat de Shane MacGowan). Cu toate acestea, mulți oameni, în special cei din afara Irlandei, se luptă uneori să deslușească aceste versuri excelente. Această serie de videoclipuri își propune să ofere aceste versuri și, sperăm, să sporească și mai mult plăcerea tuturor față de această muzică superbă.


38 thoughts on “The Pogues – Thousands are Sailing Versuri

  1. Even xenophobe, Tucker Carlson's family emigrated to America from Scandinavia in 1860. As with all new immigrants, they were not welcome at first. Something to keep in mind, when you hear them trashing the new immigrants. Remember the Irish and Italian ghetto's of NY, not so long ago. The German and Eastern European ghetto's of the Midwest. But it eludes me as to why you would throw out the DACA kids, the brains of a new generation – while the white boomers get old and die. While the next Caucasian generation has no interest in the 30-year job, the house, spouse, cars and kids in the 'burbs. These are your future demos. Change is gonna come – like it or not.

  2. Wherever we go we celebrate the land that makes us refugees, from fear of priests and empty plates, from guilt and weeping effigies. And we dance to the music and we'll dance.
    Boss lyrics. Tears me up. Go ed. X

  3. Leaving your home culture because you must, jas to be one of the most difficult things humans go thru. Love to all refugees and immigrants building homes alone in New places 💚

  4. I'm not Irish, nor British… nor from the american continent. But I can't stop listening to this and I find it truly amazing

  5. 1945 .Germany, was full " liberated". The town Wesel, in Westen Germany, was like the landscape of the moon. The big city, Cologne, only 5! Buildings of old survive.
    Every town, every village, was destroyed. By our liberaters, USA. The famous, Germany country, Prussia. The liberaters, they wipe it from the map. Kick it out history. The biggest refugees trail, 16 million people, have to flee. Lost thems home, and homeland, forever. The capital of Prussia, Königsberg, the liberator's, the do it on ground level. Only the memorial Statue of the famous philosophical , Manuel Kant, they do not destroy.
    Hamburg, was completely destroyed. We got Hunger. We starving. No future. No hope. But, …
    Decades before, family members went to America. And they write us. Come here! To America! My ,aunt. She followed. In the first night in new York, a man of our family who went and still living in USA, he tries to rape her a Hotel room. She flew. With no money, with not speaking one word of Englisch. She get a job as housekeeper. As a nany. She learnt Englisch, by reading English books of small children.

  6. I'm the descendant of an Irish railroad engineer. My big brother has still got his railroad pocket watch. I'm so proud of my brave ancestors who came to America and made it their home. Now I'm a new immigrant to Taiwan and I can feel how our ancestors felt coming to a new country.

  7. I’m indigenous American mixed w/Black, Irish, French,& mutt….a highly valued ‘high yellar’ or if it suited “nigger maid”….none/all are me but not. Covid made it clear to me we are simply/complexly HUMAN.

  8. Love this song. Words are very sad Shane knew wot it was like to be treated line an underdog. He championed the little people. An amazing. Writter of poems and songs such s way with words the likes of Shane are no more peoole seen to forgot the past far to easy. And how are ancestors were treated. God bless you Shane hope your jammin with the greats in heaven for all always. Legend.

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