Billy Ray Cyrus – Achy Breaky Heart (videoclip muzical oficial)

Billy Ray Cyrus - Achy Breaky Heart (videoclip muzical oficial)

REMASTERAT ÎN HD! Videoclip muzical oficial pentru Achy Breaky Heart interpretat de Billy Ray Cyrus. Urmărește-l pe Billy Ray Cyrus: Site: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: (C) 1993 Mercury Records, o divizie a UMG Recordings, Inc. #BillyRayCyrus #AchyBreakyHeart #Remastered


39 thoughts on “Billy Ray Cyrus – Achy Breaky Heart (videoclip muzical oficial)

  1. I bought this man's debut CD. Certainly this Achy Breaky Heart was a good song. But I couldn't find any other good songs in that debut album. So that's the reason why he was called only one song hitter. In Japanese ''ippatsuya'' 一発屋
    …Sorry fans 😅

  2. Why didn't Weird Al do the whole line dancing to this while singing
    "Don't smell my farts, my eggy bready farts. I just don't think you'd understand.

    It just confirms my suspicion that line dancing was invented so guys in demin suits could pass wind in public places.

  3. I love Billy Ray Cyrus I used to live by his grandmother Billy Ray Cyrus that's a wonderful man and he sure knows how to sing God's been with him his daughter is very sweet and she loves her dad ❤️❤️ that man is gone very far with his music

  4. This is the song of that stereotypical honky tonk of my youth…the only beer served is in a bottle, only 4 harder drink is from Johnny, Jim, Jack, or Jameson. There was a couple college kids come through asking for Zima…awkward. I miss the 90s.

  5. Billy Ray doesn't have much of a heart to break. I was a tiny toddler listening to this song because I had to trick my family into thinking I was obeying when instead I was behaving for God. Anyone remember the time when his daughter was barely a teenager and Billy Ray claimed his daughter likes to entertain as she gave grown men lap dances? Yea that's a lie, she's like me, we don't follow the devil so our own fathers enslaved us and told everyone we're sl**s and we want it. Read my review on the show Hannah Montana, and while you're at it, read my book Trafficked in Plain Sight A Hybrid's Own War. Billy Ray and so many others were lied to and told they are superior and will survive when genocide is committed…. that's not what my father told me though. I'm sorry you were abused severely as a young boy, Billy Ray. But you should have been brave and strong like your daughter. I'm sorry my family lied to you and I'm praying you can change to good. Erase the hate before it's too late. Start with telling the truth about your kids and about your abusive relationships, don't worry Firerose I got your back 🙏 I'd like you, Billy Ray, to be able to know what being a genuine person feels like and I'd love to be able to see you in heaven someday ❤️ stop obeying the devil is the way to achieve that. Make Miley proud of her father because she has yet to be able to. I know how she feels, I'm the daughter of LISK David George Bramer and no matter how he burned me, beat me, caused me to be molested and raped, made me train for war, put me in harms way my entire life and more, I still love him so much and will never give up on him. He was once a good boy too you know. My grandfather and great grandfather were going to kill him if he didn't obey, that's the reason he's deaf in both ears. What story did you hear, that it happened from kids smacking his ears in school or the other one that he listened to loud music to no end which caused permanent deafness in both ears? The real story is in my book so please read 🙏 God blesses everyone and so do I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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