Clubbers părăsesc Reunion cu DJ Sasha la Beacham Theatre Orlando 1994.wmv

Clubbers părăsesc Reunion cu DJ Sasha la Beacham Theatre Orlando 1994.wmv

Luat dintr-un interviu cu Kimball Collins: În vara lui 1994, o femeie patronă a „Reunion” s-a prăbușit în timpul unui eveniment cu DJ-ul Regatului Unit Sasha. Seara a fost neobișnuit de cald, iar Collins a primit vestea imediat după ce și-a terminat setul. Fata nu s-a trezit niciodată. „Știam exact ce înseamnă”, spune Collins. „Voi avea o problemă să fac din nou așa ceva”. „Reunion” s-a închis trei săptămâni mai târziu.


15 thoughts on “Clubbers părăsesc Reunion cu DJ Sasha la Beacham Theatre Orlando 1994.wmv

  1. Wow, thanks for posting. Do you have footage of the Kimbal interview? What an era in time. Nothing like it.

  2. Whoa… I was there that night. But I'm pretty sure I left earlier than this though. Crazy.

  3. I was there… it was my first true clubbing experience, I had turned 18 only a few days before. It was only a few weeks after they implemented a "no kids under 18" law in Orlando, and I looked like I was 15 at the time, and the cops stopped me, thought I had a fake iD. Eventually I got in, and I remember one of the girls got taken away via stretcher… I had heard she died, along with another woman. Did girls actually die that night?? I never found out….

  4. 5:15 is my friend from Japan, Sanae Yonemushi, she was going to UCF at the time… She was a big part of the late night Orlando scene…. Good Memories!

  5. And this is one reason orlando got on us. And later when firestone fookin backed them by offering rewards to snitches…shi better rave underground

  6. I was there and was actually entering Aahz when the girl coded. I was walking in w Ashley n they let us in n then locked the doors for a bit. We had just popped our pills-talk about a buzz kill. It was the wafers I’m sure. I used to grind my cheeks until they were bleeding n like hamburger. Sorry the young girl passed. RIP

  7. I was there, and was standing out front when they dragged her out. Regulars might remember the same two cops who always used to stand out front in the morning hours, they were super friendly and rarely gave anyone a hard time about anything. We were shooting the shit with them as the sun was coming up, getting ready to head home to Tampa, when the bouncers pulled the girl outside and laid her on the sidewalk as they called for help. It was horrifying, and it was a kg time before I went to another event.

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