Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Jessy Matador a reprezentat Franța la Eurovision Song Contest 2010 cu piesa sa Allez Ola Olé. Urmăriți spectacolul său live aici: https://youtu.be/-NlvQ6Ln9fc
Jessy Matador – Go Ola Olé (Franța) – Eurovision Song Contest 2010 – Videoclip

21 thoughts on “Jessy Matador – Go Ola Olé (Franța) – Eurovision Song Contest 2010 – Videoclip”
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Watch Jessy Matador's Eurovision live performance here: https://youtu.be/-NlvQ6Ln9fc
Cette chanson me rappelle le jour que je venais d'être embaucher
I'll never forget this song
Jessy Matador

This is like Totally Rad man, Party harty!
Como brasileiro é muito bom rever essa música.

Que de bons souvenirs!

Fan de danse chanter et merci pour la ola et mettre du son et vivre ses passions danser chanter, souvenir d1 amour du passé et vivre libre delivrer d'aimer et mettre du son et vivre ,du son a fond et avancer et tourner la page du passé, merci magnifique, allez allez ola olé.
Merci j.mattador
Я искала эту песню 10 лет!! И наконец нашла!
Finally found this song
شرق وغرب عقل ودرب ارحبو
Sun , November 20 , 2022

The First day of WORLD CUP 2022
I lost the Song and was like all EU and WM Songs from like 1974 Till now lol
World cup 2022 are you here fans
I still don't understand how does song didn't win the ESC