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Cel mai bun din OMD: Abonați-vă aici: Videoclip muzical de Orchestral Maneuvers In The Dark interpretând Sailing On The Seven Seas. (P) 1991 Drepturile de autor asupra acestei înregistrări audiovizuale sunt deținute de Virgin Records Ltd #OrchestralManoeuvresInTheDark #SailingOnTheSevenSeas #Vevo #Pop #VevoOfficial


20 thoughts on “Navigarea pe cele șapte mări

  1. This was my jam when I tried to run away from my family when on holiday in Malta in 92 . Got caught and rightly bollocked. What a 3 hours that was tho!

  2. Reminds me of May 1991, I'd been away for two weeks and upon my return found that my Dad had bought 'Sky TV' – prior to that we only had 4 channels on English TV, 5 if you could speak Welsh (S4C) – all of a sudden we had the amazing MTV Europe and this song and REM's 'Losing my Religion' were played daily… still love them both now

  3. Heard this song for the first time on MC with my older brother when we were with a transporter on a german Autobahn and I was 13 or 14…OMG-this is a trip back to my childhood and I love this!!!Goosebumps pure❣️

  4. Siempre la escuchaba al irme al trabajo cantandola en el 97 o 98 tenía 33¡¡¡y ahora ahun más cerrando mis ojos m emotiva estar así viajando tratando a quien amo y m ame estemos cerca¡¡¡

  5. People keep referencing "Personal Jesus", but there's literally no similarity beyond the time signature. The videos look similar because the same person made them.

  6. This song is brilliant, but has anyone ever noticed that it is uncannily similar to the Who's My Generation. I guess it's an unconscous lift, because at 2'36" McClusky even sings the "people try to bring us down" lyric. Now if it were deliberate steal, he wouldn't have made it far less obvious.

  7. You all have to much maggot so does america so I hope you all stop .bemarts has to be killed with his mom beheaed Elon musk and his dad Jeff bezos and his mom plough share and his dad if he doesn't figure out how to lkii doctor bemarts and his mom .Alabama jam jicye hkerlie mom Becky osley clungt haary eaten beety Ricky Steve Jerry stiller ok weel I can't get any of them dead with her in Mt 59802 they won't listen to me and just all want to live well now that you destyr all Mt magic and ribce Charles is muss and all the people on planet dead and computer like game how can I do grandson you failed me girl I do not know what you will do she is a girl older well she can't surriceall day walking why didn't buy the cops an incibderater on of them is very cursed from past and worse now even you had to always leave until captian Peterson killed ok weel he would think so unfair and sh could get byweekl ok I just wanted I did want to looyikgoycoyxlyclhc

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