Interviuri SB.TV – Tiesto [S2.EP5]

Interviuri SB.TV - Tiesto [S2.EP5]

SB.TV ajunge din urmă cu unul dintre cei mai mari DJ din lume.. Tiesto. Vorbim cu el despre trăsăturile sale, spectacolele live, programele lui agitate și multe altele.


24 thoughts on “Interviuri SB.TV – Tiesto [S2.EP5]

  1. @JLO2610 Prof Green will never be as good as tiesto in anything he does lol Tiesto is #2 dj in the world and has been #1 Prof Green is shit lol at music

  2. what a bad reporter… it must be tough to stay focus when someone does not listening to your awnser.. she keeps saying "yeah yeah… yeah.." while playing with her papers.

    Tiesto handled this bitch cause he's a real pro.

    peace out

  3. CAN someone tell me if raves do really have some drugs like X and sex? I'm 16 and I'm really into electronic music, from house to progressive to hardtrance. (not to look cool in front of my friends or shit like that, but I really appreciate this music)

    I know I'm young and not that ready getting into clubs like this, but I would like to know what to expect going to my favorite dj's sets in the future.

  4. whoever thinks tiesto is shit doesnt know anything bout trance…he is a legend and to me…..i respect him for trying different styles of music as that wat gud djs do..shows he is not 1 dimentional

  5. Of course tiesto is not God he not create the world in all of its inhabitants. Only the God of all gods did that but I must say he is a very good DJ Going to see him December In DC Yeah buddy

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