Jacuzzi Corryvreckan cu barca cu motor și iahting

Jacuzzi Corryvreckan cu barca cu motor și iahting

Tony Fleming, colaborator cu barca cu motor și iahting, navighează cu vârtejul Corryvreckan. Vezi mai multe în numărul din octombrie 2010 al revistei. Vizitați www.mby.com; urmăriți-ne pe twitter.com/mbyipc


4 thoughts on “Jacuzzi Corryvreckan cu barca cu motor și iahting

  1. 2500 views and no comments at all. How ungrateful people can be. Thank you for posting this video. This kind of water makes me so uneasy when I am out in my boat and watching this video brings up those awful feelings I get inside my stomach when I am faced with situations such as these on the water. I can deal with wavy weather, but the unpredictability of this type of water really makes me nervous on so many levels. Again, thank you for posting it.

  2. Done it in a sea kayak as an Army instructor in the late seventies. The bothy doesn't quite get five stars!!! Thankyou for bringing back some wonderful memories in this first rate footage.

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