Cum să navighezi pe o navă echipată tradițional. Sørlandet este cea mai veche și mai autentică navă complet trucată în serviciu activ. Ea a fost construită în Kristiansand, Norvegia în 1927. Cum poți experimenta, învăța și te provoci la bordul Sørlandet? Sørlandet este o platformă unică pentru aventuri. 1000 de tone de navă cu vele trebuie mutate de vânt și puterea musculară. În acest fel, navigăm pe oceanele lumii cu emisii minime de carbon. Tehnologia învechită ar putea spune unii, alții cred că este calea către viitor. Ce crezi? Provocați-vă Când lucrați la vârful unei curți, la 35 de metri deasupra oceanului, iar nava se află la 45 de grade față de mare, care crezi că este viteza ta? Acceptați provocarea? Cum crezi că îți afectează adrenalina capacitatea de a lua decizii? 5000 de metri de frânghie capăt în 300 de coloane pe punte. Fiecare are un scop specific. Le poți învăța pe toate? „Cunoaște-ți frânghiile”. „Învățarea frânghiilor”, sunt expresii folosite zilnic, le cunoști sensul? Putem rezuma o croazieră de expediție cu Sørlandet astfel: În, cu, împotriva și cu ajutorul: Mecanică, Fizică, Aerodinamică, Hidrodinamică, Oceanografie, Metrologie, Geografie, Navigație, Cooperare, Perspectivă, Experiență, Cultură și Tradiții combinate cu bucuria unei vieți marine diverse ne oferă studii interesante, provocări și experiențe memorabile. Aflați mai multe pe:
Cum să navighezi cu o navă complet – The Sørlandet Partea 1
50 thoughts on “Cum să navighezi cu o navă complet – The Sørlandet Partea 1”
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are there any good books regarding this kinda subject.. I adore sailboats.. btw are all the mast names still valid for a two masted sailboat, except, of course, for the mizzen mast becasue there aren't any in the two masted sailboat
Es un vídeo muy antiguo
My mom went missing from the Sorlandet in the Atlantic, 1 day out from Falmouth, when she was crew in the late 90s. She has never been found and nobody knows what happened to her.
I was 18 months old and never got to know her.
get one of crewmen "anonymously" call local country coastguard n tell they're trafficking cocaine in the hull,
sailing problem off your back
(btw – if u call telling sos bcs youre sinking, you might not get comparable result)
Absolutely bloody fantastic
now I'm understand what gallant and royals often shouted in AC4
Everyday you learn something new
What’s the song at 1:00 called?
1:46 What are those horns that come out the deck?
wow i had no idea how much is involved in sailing a ship like that. that's amazing
SEAMANSHIP-Wise ALBY is on the Kindergarten Level!
This must of been the music pirates listened to
Haul out the spanker!
I have read all 20 books of Patrick O‘Brian‘s Aubrey/Maturin series from „Master and commander“ to „Blue at the mizzen“ (I just assume that at least some people interested in full rigged ship videos know what I am talking about“).
Just now I think: If only I had seen this before, I might have understood quite a bit of the maneuvering described in the books considerably better…
Someone needs toget this info to CG trainer Eagle…. So as to get them to SAIL into port. n ty up instead of motoring in to the pier from seaward…
Bill Nighy?
Ah, that 1980's action music intro…
Very interesting 👍
It's like the narrator went way out of his way to purposely mispronounce nearly every word.
I have terrible fear of heights. I could never do that.
i somehow got quite amused at "haul out the spanker!". anyway, thanks for the great video!
I don't like his accent because I struggled to understand him sometimes because he doesn't enunciate, and he runs words together in an odd way.
Notice that in the animation at the end the ship starts out by going backwards… why was the ship sailing in reverse?
Feels unreal. Like something out of a fantasy fiction
What a strange choice of soundtrack. Nonetheless, an instructive video. I crewed a Tops'l schooner, on which we had to learn the names, locations and functions of over 90 different lines. I can only imagine there are more on a vessel like this.
My latest hyperfixation is how to sail an older ship and I am not regretting this time-suck at all
Awesome tutorial! Me & my mates are about to set sail yo ho
Cole Wehrle sent me here.
this is why you "sail" a ship and not drive or anything
no one can drive a sail ship with the rudder alone
A couple questions for anyone with answers :
1) is it necessary to lay at anchor facing into the wind, and if so why?
2) if previous answer is no, must the ship be faced into the wind before weighing anchor, to produce the maneuver shown in the video? Or could a ship at anchor with the wind aft simply set sails and weigh anchor? If not, why?
Why not use sea shanties as background music instead of 80s pop?
and for the hebrews in the crew
the hebrew speakers
Fake cgi
Could you possibly do a video of how whaling ships worked and operated and the strategies they used to catch, process and haul their kills?
nice video
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this great story . My father sailed the Cape many times when he was young and he used to tell me stories of his adventures while sailing. Thanks again to everyone.
Aye captain
Great video…… I love those tall ships!
Take me down to the sea agian, the sun, the sand and the sky,
And all I ask is a Tall ship and a star to stear her by……………
The crew of USS Constitution could use this training; and current captain who in my opinion, doesn't kno stick from canvas; they always have a tug along side to help clear the pier n back…no seamanship here,just pretenders…
This took me back to the '80s. Which century, I'm not sure.
Oh, loose that stupid muzak! To exciting without that muck.
That's a beautiful ship.
"White people have no culture"
I really got to stop sleep clicking stuff
imagine taking someone who is really intersted in… any hobby
and using this dude…
TTS has been more engaging in videos
arrr, me hearty! where be yer cannons, matey arrr?
The most terrible songtrack choice ever. Should've used anything from pirates of the caribbean
I was learning about the constellations, and I read that Corvis "The Crow" has an asterism of "Spica's Spanker". What the heck is a spanker? I came here and it was facientating lesson. Thank you! 🙂
its crazy you dont see these anymore