Operarea cu o singură mână a Yacht-ului Jeanneau 57 De: Ian Van Tuyl

Operarea cu o singură mână a Yacht-ului Jeanneau 57 De: Ian Van Tuyl

Am vorbit cu o mulțime de clienți și potențiali cumpărători care pun aceeași întrebare. Acest iaht poate fi manevrat singur sau cu stenografie? Întotdeauna răspund da; Motivele sunt că atunci când ajungi la o navă de 50 de picioare sau mai mare, devine de fapt mai ușor să crezi sau nu. Motivul pentru aceasta este că începeți să găsiți propulsoare de prova pe peste 50 de iahturi împreună cu troliuri electrice și, în cazul lui Jeanneau, modul în care comandăm iahturile 53 + furler Genoa electric. toate aceste opțiuni și cu noul design modern al cocii fac foarte ușor manevrarea unei nave de această dimensiune. De fapt, mi se pare chiar mai ușor să navighez cu acest 57 decât pe propriul meu Jeanneau 39i PV. Sper că acest videoclip vă va fi de ajutor pentru a explica ceea ce încerc să spun și dacă doriți informații suplimentare despre produsul Jeanneau sau doriți să cumpărați sau vindeți un iaht, vă rugăm să nu ezitați să mă contactați la orice oră, zi sau noapte, la 1-619-507-4416 sau ianvt@cruisingyachts.net. Aștept cu nerăbdare vești de la dumneavoastră. Cu stimă, Ian VT


45 thoughts on “Operarea cu o singură mână a Yacht-ului Jeanneau 57 De: Ian Van Tuyl

  1. Fantastic video.  Thanks for sharing.  It's not fair, you make it look so easy.  Every time i leave and enters the harbour with my 17 foot boat with a 40 hk, my hearth is racing and i'm almost pissing in my pants.  More practice i guess.

  2. Yep! Next time. Lavalier mic, with wind shield. Great video anyway. I want a boat like that. Maybe I'll drop an extra dollar on the Mega Millions next week.

  3. And that, there, ladies and gentlemen, is how you sell a sailboat. Pros call this "content marketing." You show people how to operate the boat in a friendly, non-stressed, non-salesy way, and you make friends with them as you do it. After a few videos, they know you, they know the boat, and they feel comfortable enough to start the process of buying one. He even gives you his phone number on the video. Bold move, but for something this expensive it probably pays off. Buyers should, of course, understand that there's a lot more to sailing a yacht than what is shown here. But, that's their lookout. Nice job, Ian. I wish you every success.

  4. But what would one do if the motor went out and/or furler stops working and the mail sail (or jib) will not furl or unfurl?

  5. pity, he never actually sails it :(((
    all is out, then put away, not even a chance to "get some wind up_'em". has he ever sailed at all??, looks too chicken to me !! ( be glad to put "some wind up his sails")-NO PUN INTENDED!!

  6. I have been refitting a J57 in St Lucia and I'm learning to single hand her. Great job Ian! I have used that single handed dock technique (thanks to you) and it works great with no bow thruster (it hadn't yet been repaired) but conditions were perfect (12 knots of breeze directly astern). Indeed the boat handles very well going astern and I like the technique of turning completely around and driving her like a bus as you showed in another video.. I would have liked to have seen a tack and a gybe, but my basic idea is to furl the Genoa, deal with the main and then unfurl the Genoa for the new heading. Again, great job!

  7. Just seen this and its terrible.Try doing this in the open water,during a swell and a blow.Oh!!! Also with no protection.
    Its not a truthful way to sell a yacht.

  8. Humans over-engineer everything until the fun is gone. Who needs this garbage? Self-tailing winches are too much tech. Just stay home and play a video game.

  9. I was thinking back to when I was a kid, my mother was navigating her Sea ray and "kissed" the dock at 30 knots, part of the dock sank into the lake luckily our boat did not….LOL!

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