Falcon Jet îl salvează pe marinar

Falcon Jet îl salvează pe marinar

În acest segment din serialul de realitate sindicalizat Coast Guard, un pilot Falcon Jet, aflat într-o patrulă de rutină, observă un marinar inconștient pe puntea bărcii sale.


7 thoughts on “Falcon Jet îl salvează pe marinar

  1. I spent many hours on Coast Guard aircraft and many days I miss it. I work for the school board now in xxxxxxxxx. The school system can't hold a candle to the quality of coasties I had the pleasure to serve with for 21 years. Now I am just trying to survive the ineptitude of these "educated idiots" who lack leadership skills and training and basic respect in dealing with others. I have discovered something, teachers get into the profession so they can tell kids what to do, way too many administrators fail to make the shift when dealing with adults, they think they are still dealing with kids. It's a real power trip for most of them. In twenty years I can count only four administrators I would jump into the water if they fell "overboard" the rest I would toss them a line with 50 pound Danforth attached. The movie "Office Space" explains it all. Those that can….. DO and those that can't …….TEACH.

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