Partea 1 – Cartea audio Babbitt de Sinclair Lewis (cap. 01-05)

Partea 1 - Cartea audio Babbitt de Sinclair Lewis (cap. 01-05)

Partea 1. Cartea video cu literatură clasică cu text sincronizat, transcriere interactivă și subtitrări în mai multe limbi. Audio prin amabilitatea Librivox. Citit de Mike Vendetti. Lista de redare pentru Babbitt de Sinclair Lewis: Carte audio gratuită Babbitt la Librivox: Cartea electronică gratuită Babbitt la Project Gutenberg : Babbitt la Wikipedia: Vezi o listă cu toate cărțile noastre video:


30 thoughts on “Partea 1 – Cartea audio Babbitt de Sinclair Lewis (cap. 01-05)

  1. One of the ads was a promotion about how great and irreplaceable teachers are. To me teachers are not great, but forced to convey that which the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT directs them. What an interesting contrast with this book. With that ad; YouTube created a battle within my mind. School is nothing more than a daycare for the lower crust and the middle class is merging with. Maybe people will start talking and compare notes?

  2. I am sitting here laughing listening to this book. I didn't know Sinclair Lewis was a humorist. This is some hilarious shit.

  3. I know hes a highly regarded author and all but i absolutely cannot stand the way lewis writes, yes his descriptions are great but the story almost lags while he spends two pages describing random inconsequential bullshit in excessive verbiage.

  4. NEIN!!!…lol…sounds more like a narrator from a doomed flights programme….top earner though…..has THAT voice…might replace Richard Attenborough in the BBC far flung(love them) nature programmes

  5. By and large an acceptable reading but the reader, Mike Vendetti, gets many words wrong. Some he changes, others he just mangles the pronunciation of. Nevertheless, thanks for making this great novel available on youtube.

  6. Salut !

    On va écouter et voir si c'est vraiment clair, si on comprend bien. Et poster pour certains collégiens et étudiants. THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGTH.


  7. Whoever is reading this keeps tripping over his own tongue. Is the word "minarets" so difficult to pronounce correctly (even in American English)?

  8. Schools r for the most part run by a locally elected board. It is rnade up of people from your community.The federal government has little input, except for guidelines for programs the feds contribute money for. School boards are legendary for bull-headness.
    Mark Twain said, "First, God created idiots. That was for practice. Then, He created school boards."

  9. "Babbitt"might be the Great American Novel." The complaints made today of social dominance by a crass, commercially based class of consumers was as true in the early 1920's as it is today. What is so funny is that the discussions between Babbitt and his neighbor and the grage owner about Republican politics, sound just like the Republicans of today!

  10. No offense is meant but the narration isn't very good at all. imo. The novel has a wonderful rapid rhythm to it and it's not captured at *all* here. That piled on top of the frequent "stumbling over" words makes this a C-minus jobber at best, in my opinion.

  11. Have you read the novel on your own without listening to the audio format? He constructed a WONDERFUL rapid rhythm in the narration but it's not captured at all when read poorly (as here).

  12. It's not hate; there's just a feeling that it doesn't capture the "spirit" of the novel, in the way it's read. It's nothing personal.

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