Acest videoclip se leagă de noua carte de aventuri adevărate, SAIL WITH ME. Pagina cărții și link-urile Amazon pe site-ul meu Acest videoclip prezintă câteva dintre scenele cărții. Trăiește la bordul unei ambarcațiuni de călătorie. După mai mult de un deceniu de viață și de croazieră pe barca ei actuală, Bayfield 29/31 „Angel”, marinarul solitar Rebecca Burg împărtășește câteva dintre cele mai comune preocupări ale persoanelor interesate de acest stil de viață. Nu totul poate fi afișat în doar șase minute, dar acest videoclip speră să fie o introducere pentru a-i încuraja pe cei interesați de călătoriile pe distanțe lungi cu barca. Este un fel de RV-ing, dar pe căile navigabile în loc de drumuri…
Trăind la bordul unei barci cu pânze, Solo Sailor Girl

32 thoughts on “Trăind la bordul unei barci cu pânze, Solo Sailor Girl”
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How much was your little ac?
How long is that boat
Can you make a video bout your DC air conditioner? Not much info on youtube about this.
I'm really intrigued with your refrigerator freezer …where did you get it..
I love your philosophy. Great video, thanks!
Can two people live o.k on a 30 C&C fin keel boat? for coastal cruising? I mean will it be way two crowded? We live in close quarters now. Would love your input. We have a 30 footer and are not sure if this can be the boat or if we will have to go to the more popular 37 to 42 foot size? Thanks for your incite to the world at sea. I look froward to your video and post.Capt Burt
That solar backup tank is awsum idea ! . I want 2 hit the road with an RV , peeps bitch about no room , they have no clue ! . Best of luk 2 U n please stay safe !
Hopefully, if all goes as planned I will be buying a sailboat next year to live on full time. I've day dreamt about it since I was a small boy. Unfortunately, I let people talk me out of it but, I always kept it in my dreams. I just recently realized that, life is living your dreams. So wish me luck, next year I'm going to make my oldest dream come true.
Living aboard will be the only freedom left in the U.S.A. When the end comes and the monetary system collapses you can sail off to another country our island. Be prepared for NO HELP from anyone except a fellow boater. Don't depend on satellite or electronics alone because you may have to do it the old fashioned way… learn how to do it.
what type/brand is your air conditioner?
Lovely video! I intend to live aboard a sailboat when I get out of the army and move to tampa this winter/spring. I'm so exited!
I have a limited budget of $30,000. Will I be able to get a decent sized sail boat that I can live on for long term? I also plan to work hard while living this lifestyle. I'll need the internet. I plan only to be sailing around the Caribbean and possibly visiting the central and south american atlantic coastline. I'm totally new to sailing and will need to be taught. I'm hoping the classes or lessons are not very expensive.
How long have you been living aboard your sailboat and what size is it? Awesome video!
great video!
I have two questions and they may sound dumb? …but first do you find any mold or dampness in or around the rug? Also, does having the rug help with insulating the boat at all?
Would love to know what your ginger beer recipe is!
Could you share? (the recipe)
What do you do for work? Doesn't living on the boat, sailing around, and maintenance take up all your time?
Beer recipe?
This was the most satisfying thing I have ever done in my life. Unfortunately ran into trouble in Cabo San Lucas and I was stuck there for 7 months. Not a bad place to be stranded though. The experience definitely changed me forever.
I really enjoy your videos,thanks.
Love your video and insight on the boat living. maybe one day I will try it. May the winds be in your sails.
if someone runs amok on your "ginger beer" you just tie them up until you make landfall and drop them off ashore of course!
Love the v berth head.
always thought v berths were a crappy place to sleep.
enjoy cruising
hey allot more room then a camper van plus wind is cheaper then gas. ! Lol
How do you filter and sterilize that large amount of water before adding it to your tanks? I'm looking at a bayfield 29 now.
Good for you. I admire the lifestyle. Thank you for sharing.
I love your knowledge and it is inspiring
loving just started living on a 26 ft by myself travelling all over bc waters
hi your ginger beer plant got my attention …would love to know how it works and what you put in it to brew so if you get time how about a video on how to the ginger beer .thanks and happy traveling
Thanks for this. I'm thinking about doing the same.
I sail a Hunter 26 and love it.
Very good video thanks