În interiorul unui iaht de 300 de milioane de dolari al unui miliardar rus

În interiorul unui iaht de 300 de milioane de dolari al unui miliardar rus

Proiectat de Philippe Starck, „A” a devenit rapid cea mai iubită și detestată navă de pe mare. Robert Frank de la WSJ face un tur exclusiv al mega-iahtului de 394 de picioare al lui Andrey Melnichenko. Nu ratați un videoclip WSJ, abonați-vă aici: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy Mai multe de la Wall Street Journal: Vizitați WSJ.com: http://www.wsj.com Vizitați Centrul Video WSJ: https:/ /wsj.com/video Pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/wsj/videos/ Pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJ Pe Snapchat: https://on.wsj.com/ 2ratjSM


44 thoughts on “În interiorul unui iaht de 300 de milioane de dolari al unui miliardar rus

  1. Owned by a Russian oligarch who makes billions from companies once owned by the Russian people, who financially supports a psychopath ex-KGB dictator as he crushes free press, the LGBTQ community, democratic movements, kills his enemies, and meddles in US elections. Starck must be so proud to have built such a hideous monstrosity for such a hideous monster.

  2. So this is where the US Navy got its design for the Zumwalt stealth destroyer huh?

    Not a surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

  3. Russian generals killed in Putin’s war in Ukraine. March, 2022

    1) Major General Andry Kolesnikov

    2) Mayor General Andrei Sukhovetsky

    3) Major General Vitaly Gerasimov

    4) Major General Oleg Mitjaev

    5) Lieutenant General Andrei Mordvichev

    (As of March 22, 2022. Russian deaths is 15,300 soldiers who were killed in combat.).

  4. Im just here because now it is missing, May 2022. Apparently since the Ukraine war, jealous people want to confinscate it. That be a hard muthafukn boat to hide in plain site!!!

  5. This very impressive mega yacht was moored in San Juan Bay, Puerto Rico for a very long time, before the Covid-19 pandemic. Word of mouth was that it was undergoing extensive maintenance/upgrade work. There’s very little doubt that it’s presence was a “good enough reason” to take a drive to the Old City. The first thing that caught my attention was, besides it’s outstanding beauty, the name on it “A” (as if it needed anything else to catch your attention).

  6. I think it is very wrong you want to sanction Russia that's fine but you don't do it to everybody else rich or poor but geriatric Joe has no brain left I've known him my whole life he's been in some form of politics he's racist he was best friends with her whatever they call him at the KKK the grandpa I don't care what they call him and a bunch of Democrats went to that funeral when he died and you going to say you ain't racist now you've always been racist you're a puke but we all know you ain't running the United States that's Obama but you had no right to do this and the only reason you did it is you're protecting your son because he's got a lot of dirt on him and Ukraine and yes it is true Ukraine military ukraine period is full of Nazis but you can go to a channel called redacted on YouTube if you want the truth he and his wife do the show and together they have 25 years worth of experience in broadcasting so they got sick of the lies and the propaganda but look for a video if you do go says zielinski is missing and it has a picture of his face on a milk carton and he will tell you himself that his military is all Nazis and then they just did an interview with a girl a lady I'm sorry she even covered Syria and she works for no one she does this on her own time and her own money because she wants the truth…. But there's an interview with her too you could watch…..

  7. Egregious displays of wealth are the products of buckets of money, but usually without a scintilla of real class and stature. Melnichenko is an uber wealthy bit of human pond scum, IMO.

  8. would not have the 3 pools on board (being its a boat already on a big pool) and i would change all the dicorations (0 animal skins and such) but not bad other wise

  9. There is no excitement like going on a yatch tour with my family, and I enjoy the thrill that comes with it. I really like this one because the body and interior are both extremely impressive, and I hope to acquire mine soon.

  10. Putin just doesn't get it. Ukraine gets stronger militarily every day, and more and more Ruskies die every day. Ukrainian Intelligence along with US Intelliegence, its spy satellites, are finding all the muinitions storage, airplanes and hidden tanks. Sayonara Vladimir. Keep eating those Putin Burgers you are selling at the McDonald's you took over. The former Big Mac is the Putin Burger. You eat so many u get indigestion.

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