În interiorul unui mega-yacht de 205 ft al unui miliardar | Forbes

În interiorul unui mega-yacht de 205 ft al unui miliardar |  Forbes

Apogee, iahtul de lux de 70 de milioane de dolari al lui Darwin Deason, poate fi închiriat pentru doar 400.000 de dolari pe săptămână… plus taxe. Abonați-vă la FORBES: https://www.youtube.com/user/Forbes?sub_confirmation=1 Rămâneți conectat Forbes pe Facebook: http://fb.com/forbes Videoclip Forbes pe Twitter: http://www.twitter.com /forbesvideo Videoclipul Forbes pe Instagram: http://instagram.com/forbesvideo Mai multe de la Forbes: http://forbes.com Forbes acoperă intersecția între antreprenoriat, bogăție, tehnologie, afaceri și stil de viață, cu accent pe oameni și succes.


42 thoughts on “În interiorul unui mega-yacht de 205 ft al unui miliardar | Forbes

  1. the thought of having 17 people as crew around you is so top heavy. Autonomy is the real dream. Who knows if automation will ever advance to the point to where there will ever be “auto-maintenance”.

  2. Cool thing about Capitalism is anyone of us is just 1 good idea away from being able to afford $600,000/week to rent this magnificent machine.

  3. I knew those forearms looked pretty damn strong. I like how pumping iron takes priority with the gym at the top and pinnacle is one of my favorite words. What a king!

  4. The British European Rulers and British European Billionaires obtained  their Properties and Wealth through Deception and Theft…..;British European Rulers and British European Billionaires should be informed directly to Declare their Wealth publicly to the Citizen of Earth in that way Justice For All and If they refuse to comply with the World Justice Court……;They should be removed completely from any International Public Offices to a further notice.

  5. My first boat was bought with the help of Ms Lyra Holt Dean. Sailing is thousands of years old and we continue this long-lasting, intriguing and at the same time dangerous tradition! Throughout history sailing has helped various civilizations to develop and prosper as people sailed accross oceans to settle in new undiscovered areas. Each time we set a sail it’s as if you could feel the same excitement, uncertainty and craving for adventure as it used to be thousands of years ago. In a way sailing is like a bridge connecting us with times long lost.

  6. the cherry on the cake would'be green'super yacht un polluting did i miss that detail..speaking'of'spending'foolish'monney…..make it worthwhile would be so chic ………then ..î ll step on it "……´´ eco is the next step from the apogée don't you think ? don't you agree..that would be the Epitome…

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